Art – Kandinsky Stle

Last week we experimented attempting to complete art works in the style of Kandinsky. All students accepted this challenge and their art work was amazing.

2MA Home LEARNING Tuesday 27/7/21

Good Morning everyone

Welcome to another day of learning!

HOME LEARNING- Tuesday 27/7/21

Remember you can go back and finish any Learning you haven’t yet.

Don’t forget to take a recess and lunch break like at school.


Calendar Questions:

What was the date 3 weeks ago

What was the date last Sunday

What will the date be in four days?


My Auntie Mabel is the best Auntie ever.

But she is a bit weird.   Can you tell me what is wrong with her.

She hates sport but she enjoys watching the swimming.

She doesn’t like eating but she loves food.

She hates some vegetables and really hates carrots.

She hates thinking about things but loves doing puzzles.

She doesn’t like brainteasers though.

She doesn’t like me but she just loves Mrs Angiletta.

Can you help me?

How come she likes somethings but doesn’t like other things?


Writers Workshop

Today I have included a story for you too watch called ‘The Day the Crayons Quit”

I like it because the main characters are crayons. Remember main characters don’t always  need to be people.

This might help you with your story and main character.

 Continue with creating your character

Year 2 you can do this in your Writers note book ( green book in your Book making folder)

Draw a picture of your character

Think about words that describe your character write them down

Think about what you can use to make your character when you come back to school

Start Planning

  • Give your character a name
  • Think about what your character could do


Find a positive place to read like school. Are the stories your reading giving you ideas for your story and character



Watch this video

Make a Keynote or word presentation about what you have learnt.

Include images. Give it a name.

You may include: What causes Day and Night?

How long does it take for the earth to spin once?

Here is some extra information:


Yum let’s make some fraction Pizzas!

 You need: 

4-6 paper plates (or draw circle shapes- trace around a big circle item)

 You can use:

*  Colour pencils

* texta’s  if you have them

* Craft materials if you have them

Decorate your plate with your favourite pizza toppings

Then cut your pizzas in these fractions:

CHALLENGE: can you make these fraction pizza’s:

Cut into 6 pieces

    Cut in 8 pieces



Try this:

Only do this if there is an ADULT to help

 Remember you can only do this if an adult helps!

If you have a sandwich for lunch can you cut in ½

or ¼

You can take photos of your learning

Prodigy- spend some time learning here

Olympic Games
Continue with this learning

Go to the Olympic Website.

Make your own Poster  about  The  Tokyo Olympic Games

You can find images on Google if you like to help

You can use:




*Black Journal

Use your Creativity

Art Tutorial 

Type  in on safari bar :    How to draw  and then add what you want to draw

Do this learning in your black learning journal

Here is a tutorial  you may like

I like this drawing tutorial site: art hub for kids youtube

You may have your own.

Have an Amazing day of learning!

3AE Tuesday’s Learning

  1. Calendar task and Brainteaser  – Challenging Brainteaser called Auntie Mabel – she is a bit weird.
  2. Zombies Don’t Eat Veggies –  Listen to the story and then answer two questions
  3. Maths – Finish the two tasks from yesterday and then play Prodigy.
  4. Olympic Keynote – watch Videos and prepare for Team questions.
  5. Online Art Tutorial – Drawing Movement Lines
  6. Finishing off time
  7. Teams meeting at 2.00pm – answer to Brainteaser



Fantastic Learning Efforts by 3AE

Our students have worked really well on their learning tasks during this lockdown.

I have added a few examples of their fantastic work for you to look at.

Well done 3AE


Good morning everyone

Welcome to a new day of home learning.

HOME LEARNING- Monday 26/7/21

Remember you can go back and finish any Learning you haven’t yet.

Don’t forget to take a recess and lunch break like at school.

Calendar Questions:

  1. What is today’s date?
  2. What was the date two weeks ago?
  3. What will be the date this coming Sunday


I had a piece of wood that was four metres long.

I had to cut it into four equal pieces.

How many cuts did I have to make?

There are two answers to this Brainteaser and one of them is NOT FOUR.

Writers Workshop

Watch this Story.

It’s called Marshmallows.

Think about the following things:

Who is the main character ?

What do you know about him from the clip?

There is a problem? What is it?

Do they find a solution?

Does this help you with your character and story?

 Continue with creating your character

Year 2 you can do this in your Writers note book ( green book in your Book making folder)

Year 3 use your Writers note book

Draw a picture of your character

Think about words that describe your character write them down

Think about what you can use to make your character when you come back to school

Start Planning

  • Give your character a name
  • Think about what your character could do


Fraction Challenge. Year 2/3

Have a go Year 2. Write your answers in your book or using your laptop. Use some counters at home like buttons ,marbles and pencils to help.


Find your positive reading place like school where you won’t be distracted.  Enjoy some reading.


Tokyo Olympics – Japan 2021

Go to the Olympic Website.

Make your own Poster  about  The  Tokyo Olympic Games

You can find images on Google if you like to help

You can use:




*Black Journal

Use your Creativity

Word Study

‘ake’  rhime

Rhime means  the sound at the end of a word

Watch : There’s a hippopotamus on our roof eating cake below

Can you see and hear ‘ake’ words?

Watch it again- clap when you hear and see ‘ake’ words

Do you know any other ‘ake’ words.

Are there any ake’ words  in your books at home?

Where can you find more ‘ake’ words?

Write them down and bring to school to share

Happy Learning








Hi everyone

Welcome back to Home Learning.

You can continue with any of the Learning you didn’t finish yesterday

TODAYS LEARNING- Friday 23/7/2021




 Continue with creating your character

Year 2 you can do this in your Writers note book ( green book in your Book making folder)

Year 3 use your Writers note book

Draw a picture of your character

Think about words that describe your character write them down

Think about what you can use to make your character when you come back to school

Start Planning

  • Give your character a name
  • Think about what your character could do


Brainstorm what you already know about Mary. (write it down)

Watch this clip

Storytime with the Sisters: Mary, Mother of Jesus board book

Reflection: What did you learn about Mary?

You can use:

Eg: photo booth.

Black journal

Key note



Find your positive place to read at home.

You can also enjoy this story. Just click on the link and it will take you there. Its called Be Kind

I think it’s a great story to remind us about what is important

 Continue with this learning

HASS – Wk1 T3                 Tokyo Olympics – Japan 2021


Go to the Olympic Website.

Spend some time looking at the Website.

Your Learning:

Keep working in Keynote on the Tokyo Olympic Games.

Put some images in presentation.

Choose things that really interest you.

You can make it:

  • Colourful
  • Exciting
  • Packed with images and text.

Today’s pages  can include:

Athletes from different sports

  1. Tokyo or Japan
  2. Team Results
  3. Covid 19 News
  4. Games Mascots
  5. News Reports



Just for fun. I know how much you all like to draw so here are 2 choices for you

You can use silk weave and create designs. Then take a screen shot save to your desk top

Copy and paste this in safari and it will take you there!

  A Drawing Video.

Type  in on safari bar :    How to draw  and then add what you want to draw

Do this learning in your black learning journal

Here are some links you may like:

youtube how to draw a dragon

Have a great learning day and weekend

Keep safe

Friday’s Learning 3AE

All the learning tasks have been emailed to our students and are available on Teams.

Friday’s Learning Plan

  1. Come Read With Me
  2. Calendar and Brainteaser
  3. Literacy Task – Marshmallow
  4. Recess
  5. Numeracy
  6. Short Break
  7. Olympic Games Keynote
  8. Lunch
  9. Finishing Time
  10. Class Quiz


Try  Friday’s Brainteaser