Wednesday (Term 1 | Week 5)

A warm welcome to Wednesday, everyone …

Today we shared the story Frida and Bear by Anthony Browne and Hanne Bartholin. In this awesome book, which everyone enjoyed, Frida and her bear friend play the shape game. They use their imagination to turn squiggles and bits of paper into the most amazing pieces of art ….

Today we continued to focus on being independent writers by discussing strategies that can help us when we are stuck with how to spell a word. We do not want to spend too much time worrying about spelling a word correctly during the writing process, as this interrupts our creative flow. Therefore, we need strategies that can help us move on quickly, so we can come back to spelling accuracy once we have completed our writing and move into the editing stage. We were lucky to have Lisa Burman, literacy consultant, in class with us again today, so there were three adults conferencing with us.

Unfortunately, Mrs Handforth did not get to take photographs during Writer’s Workshop today because she was so busy conferencing with us. However, there are some amazing books in the making, which will soon be posted on the blog and in HolY Family Writes. Keep your eyes on this space …

was a firm favourite today. Ethan B and Mrs H started playing together and by the end of the session lots of us had joined us and given it a go.

Meanwhile, over in Log Park:

Mya and Eva have been practising a clapping song and today they performed it for Mrs Handforth, who was very impressed:

In the afternoon we covered more of the Keeping Safe curriculum, focusing on the ‘early warning signs’ that signify we are feeling unsafe. These are personal for many of us, so we have not placed images of our diagrams on the blog. However, some of the signs we generated as a group are as follows:

  • start crying
  • get sweaty hands
  • heart starts to beat faster
  • butterflies in tummy
  • start to feel sick
  • need to go to the toilet
  • shake
  • want to hide or run away
  • go red
  • dry mouth

We look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow for a fresh start to Thursday.


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