Our Day – Tuesday 10th September 2019


We have had a beautiful day, enjoying the sunshine and engaging in lots of learning.

Our day began with some singing. Janine is a wonderful singer and guitarist. She played ‘Wheels on the Bus’ for us. We loved singing along with the actions.

This morning, a group of children visited the library. We read the book ‘Allergic Alpaca’

We discussed different parts of the story and shared what we liked about the book.

Will: She kicked the apple away and I liked the funny voice you were doing Nicole.
Arielle: The apples falling down.
Tesi: There was an avalanche and made boom, crash.
Omelia: There was apples falling on the tree.
Xavier: The applies.
Ellara: I liked about doing stuff the alpaca.

We then chose some picture books to read with a friend.

Once back at the ELC, we helped Nicole to clean our chicks brooding box and fill up their food and water containers. We then observed our chicks, and held them gently. They are so soft.

The theme of prayer today was belonging. We shared where we feel we belong and why.

In home 2, we engaged in a variety of provocations based on our interests and our inquiry projects of ‘belonging’ and ‘growth’. Some of us also worked with Nicole in a focused learning group, focused on writing our names and identifying the letters in our names.

Outside we enjoyed the glorious sunshine. We have been building our ‘belonging’ with group games. Today we were skipping together and playing games with the rope ‘jump the snake’.

Finally, we shared our specks of gold for the day.

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