Thursday 5/9/19

This morning we were all so excited to gather around and see the baby chicks. We continued our growth inquiry surrounding the baby chicks.

We also visited Log Park, the Fish Farm and MUDLA room.

We returned for morning tea, enjoyed a visit from Playgroup, and then engaged in Investigative Play.

We also learnt a new dance today… the chicken dance!!


Moon Lantern Festival

Our Philosophy:

We recognise the role of context and environment in children’s learning and therefore we will extend children’s learning experience into the wider community through connections with the school and wider school community.

Next week, we and the school will be celebrating the Moon Lantern Festival. This includes making lanterns, which will be judged by Mr White (the principal of the school) for a special competition. We will also be attending the Moon Lantern Festival assembly on Friday 13th September.

We have been learning about the Moon Lantern Festival this week.

Today we began to make our lanterns. We used our learning power of creativity to design and make our lanterns. We used materials such as cardboard, paper, pop sticks, patty pans and tissue paper. Some of our friends from 3IB and 3JM in the school came and helped us. We made lanterns of different shapes and colours, including a dragon, lion and fish lantern.


Outcome 2: Children are connected with and contribute to their world.

Outcome 4: Children are confident and involved learners.

Library and Music

We recognise the role of context and environment in children’s learning and therefore we will extend children’s learning experience into the wider community through connections with the school and wider school community.


Eamann, Tavae, Omelia and Xavier wanted to visit the library today. We read the book ‘Baa Baa Blue Sheep’ by Tony Wilson. It was a story about sharing, compromise and belonging.

What did you like about the story?

Omelia: I like the blue sheep.

Eamann: the baa baa black sheep.

Tavae: the wool.

Xavier: the black.

The children then chose their own books and read them with each other and Nicole.


Liam, Shruti, Arielle, Aicha and Tesi attended a music lesson with Mrs Crisp in the school. We learnt about the ti-ti ta rhythm (using the song ‘Cherry Beets’), and practiced different beats with their hands, feet and instruments. We did lots of singing and movement!


Outcome 4: Children are confident and involved learners


Growth Inquiry: Living Eggs

Our Philosophy: We will foster a sense of wonderment of the natural environment and resources as an integral part of children’s learning and support children to become ecologically conscious and to understand the interdependence of all living things.

Today, we have spent much time observing our eggs. We were engaged in conversations with each other about what we were observing.


We learnt that pipping is the term used when the baby chicks first cracks the shell.

And that hatching is when the baby chick breaks open the shell and emerges.

It was with great excitement that we saw two chicks hatch from their shells today.

Did you know that you can tell the gender of a baby chick by its colour?

Reflection of what we observed today:

William: They came out.
Omelia: They are two mummy chickens.
Ellara: I hope they are good luck.
Aicha: I think one boy and one girl.


Outcome 2: Children are connected with and contribute to their world

Outcome 4: Children are confident and involved learners

Outcome 5: Children are effective communicators


Growth Inquiry: Living Eggs

Our Philosophy: We will foster a sense of wonderment of the natural environment and resources as an integral part of children’s learning and support children to become ecologically conscious and to understand the interdependence of all living things.

One of inquiry projects this term is ‘Growth’. We have been learning about how plants and animals grow. We have been particularly interested in birds and their life cycles after finding a nest in Grevillia Park.

Today we were very excited to receive ‘Living Eggs’.

Living Eggs is a two week comprehensive program providing us with all we need to successfully hatch chickens in our ELC.

Today we received:

Embryo eggs – we have 10 eggs. ready for hatching in  1-3 days.

An incubator – An electronic thermostat ensures accurate temperature control for a high hatch rate. The large viewing windows allow the children to see all stages of hatching.

A brooder box complete with heat light, bedding, feed and waterer is supplied which allows teachers and children easy observation and access to the chicks.

The children are very excited about our eggs and have been observing the eggs, sharing their knowledge and understandings, hypothesising and theorising about what will happen and asking lots of questions. What wonderful learning!


Nicole: What can you see?

Tavae: I see a flying thing (feather). That’s a chicken one. The wing is getting out. They going to cry.

Ellara: That egg can hatch. All the eggs can hatch.

Tavae: And then it can jump.

Arabella: They can’t jump.

Tavae: I can see a mummy one.

Arabella: They are baby ones.

Will: How do the feathers grow?


Nicole: What do you think will happen to the eggs?

Will: If that is too hot and they have to come out and I put them in my jacket so then they be all warm.

Tavae: It’s going to lay down on my jumper and it’s going to do it on my hand.

Arabella:  They all go hatch.

Will: Are they going to hatch overnight?

Ellara: They can hatch.


Nicole: What does hatch mean?

Will: The eggs are breaking.

Ellara: Their shells are breaking

Tavae: And they eat the shell, the chicken. And it got that bit water in there (in the egg) and it going to crack out.

Liam: When there is a bruise they hatch.


Nicole: How do they hatch out?

Liam: They push themselves out.

Will: They push the egg and it breaks and then they come out

Tavae: They are going to get bigger when they eat they dinner


Nicole: Does anyone have any questions about the eggs, hatching and the chickens?

Liam: Why is there a feather on that egg?

Tavae: They don’t fly. Why they can’t?

William: How do the chicks squish themselves into the eggs?



Outcome 2: Children are connected with and contribute to their world

Outcome 4: Children are confident and involved learners

Outcome 5: Children are effective communicators