Harmony Week

This week we have been learning about Harmony Day – a day that encourages all people to participate in their community with respect for cultural and religious diversity as well as helping to foster sense of belonging for everyone. The children engaged in a range of activities to explore the notion of togetherness and belonging as part of the local, national and international community. This included identifying and painting ‘flags of the world’, making a classroom wreath of identity and listening and responding to music from various cultures.

On Friday 20th of March, on Harmony Day, the Marraya children read the story “I’m Australian Too” by Mem Fox and sang the song ‘We are One’ which celebrates diversity in Australian society. Afterwards, the children discussed where they and their families are from. The countries included Ireland, Greece, Vietnam and India. The Gravillea children played a dice game with questions related to their families, such as ‘Where were you born?’, ‘Where is your family from?’ The children gave some wonderful responses and we learned a lot about others within our classroom community.