Growth Inquiry: Blossom Trees

Our Philosophy:

We will foster a sense of wonderment of the natural environment and resources as an integral part of children’s learning and support children to become ecologically conscious and to understand the interdependence of all living things.

We recognise the role of context and environment in children’s learning and therefore we will extend children’s learning experience into the wider community through connections with the school and wider school community.

We will provide an emergent and responsive curriculum for all children based on the philosophy of the service, provocations of educators and a child’s strength and interests as well as the interest of the group.

In the school, the children and educators have observed many trees beginning to grow flowers.

A group of children ventured with Nicole into the school to view the flowering trees more closely.

Nicole: What can you see?

Tesi: Flowers

Xavier: Pink flowers

Omelia: Leaves

Tesi: They have flower and also they got something in there

Arabella: The leaves


Nicole:What are they? Those creatures flying around the flowers?

Arabella: Bees

Tesi: I can see them but they camouflage 


Nicole: Why do you think the bees are flying around the flowers?

Arielle: It wants to fly

Omelia: It like to eat honey like us

Tesi: They want to collect nectar and bees make honey 


Nicole: Where is the nectar?

Tesi: Flowers. Bees look up in the trees and bees sip it up in their tail and then wee it and bees have queen bee.

Through this observation, the children demonstrated an awareness and understanding of the natural world. They made connections between what they already know about blossoms and bees and what they were observing. Through the group discussion, children shared knowledge and gained new understandings.


Outcome 2: Children are connected with and contribute to their world.

Outcome 4: Children are confident and involved learners.

Outcome 5: Children are effective communicators.