Country investigations

In country investigations I did a dance with Nikka , Bhavya and Lauren it was funny we had lots of fun every one clapped our country was Brazil Bella Made the Flipchart it was really good the song was despasito we wore costumes I wore a white dress with a white belt my dress had flowers we had alot of engy in the dance there was lots of leg movements and arm movements and body movements.When I sat down in the dance I dropped my napkin wich was funny.


Today was Mrs Mores and Mr Elders assembly it was about transformers I liked the whole assembly There was basketball  and Mrs Mores class dressed up as transformers It was really good.


Today We had our Buddy ASSEMBLY about Dawali I was in the play as a animal and I had a reading part and we all had to go out to the stage to sing a song This little light of mine. I enjoyed when I had to go onto the stage and run around and I liked when we had to sing the son this little light of mine. The best part for me is when we sang this little light of mine. I used lots of character strengths like Perseverance and leadership. Liked being with our buddies because I meet new people.

Our GoldFish

These are our goldfish the bigger one is bubbles and the small one is Dopy or Fanta it is named Dopy because it swims into the glass we thank mr McCathy for bringing the fish over and we thank Mr White for the fish tank Mrs Handforth put the decorations in there.

Moon Lanterns

Today the class made Moon Lanterns I made a Moon because we are learning about space I made my Moon lantern with Alfole and dark gray paper and a piece of string and a light I think I did really good and the class was a mess after but it was fun. I Think the parents would like to make one now.