Wednesday (Term 1 : Week 5)

Dining Hall is tomorrow for R1MP and R1JH

The food menu: Spring Rolls and Fried Rice with peas, carrots and corn and the dessert will be cake and ice-cream. All children will need to bring their own plate and cutlery. All the  food is vegetarian.  We will eating together at 12 noon in the Centre.

Welcome to Ash  Wednesday, a special day on the Church calendar.  Ash Wednesday begins the journey of self-reflection through the season of Lent.  R1MP and R1JH will be focusing on the theme of kindness throughout Lent.

The children were excited to see their Lent crosses on our prayer tree when they entered the classroom this morning.

Here’s our learning for the day:


Whole school Mass celebrated in the Hall.


We shared the book The Wonderful Wisdom of Ants by Philip Bunting:

Philip Bunting is not a myrmecologist. He’s not even an entomologist. Gasp! Philip is just a keen dabbler who believes that the answers to many of life’s biggest questions can be found in your own back yard (once you’re ready to look). The Wonderful Wisdom of Ants is a picture book created to take a peek under the rock, and discover what we can learn from the world of the ant.


Letters and Sounds

Today the children practised saying, reading and writing the letter i.

Literacy Rotations

The children moved on to the next activity today in our literacy rotations.

Dot Painting 

Drawing Tiddalick

Guided Reading 

The children reflected on the text they shared with the teacher and drew their responses.

Thanks for a great day of learning boys and girls and we will see you all tomorrow.  Remember it is Sport with Mrs Cooymans in the morning.

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