Monday (Term 3 | Week 3)

Good morning everyone and welcome to Week 3.

Maths Mini

This morning the children worked on their doubles facts.  Each pair used a dice and doubled the number using unfix cubes.


The children watched the story Inch by Inch by Leo Lionni and then we went to Log Park, the Fish Farm and the oval to do some measuring!

The students were asked to share how many steps it took to get to the other side of the oval.

Kevin: It took me 300 steps to get to the other side.

Ayan: it took 138 steps to get to the other side.

Abel: 140 steps

Lina: 200 steps

Andrew: 85 steps

Vonn: 98 steps

Athian: 67 steps

Liam and Mrs Handforth: 120 steps

Play Investigations

R1JH visited 5/6NB’s Spanish Class today to view and listen to some wonderful stories that the older students had written and created on their laptops. The stories had been created for a R/1 audience and contained Spanish vocabulary that the younger students have been learning in Spanish class. We had a wonderful time:


This Saturday the 8th August is the Feast day of Mary of the Cross MacKillop. Our school is celebrating this special day as a whole school in the hall this coming Thursday.


Our class also enjoyed class prayer this afternoon. We shared thank you prayers and most children were brave enough to share what they are thankful for.  


Outdoor fitness involved several locations today. Mrs Handforth took a group to the MUDLA.

Joshua and LiOne found a HUGE furry caterpillar whilst they were exploring on the oval.

Enjoy your evening everyone and see you all tomorrow!

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