Week 8 – Friday – Harmony Day Celebrations

Happy Harmony Day

What a busy day celebrating ‘Harmony Day’ – we will continue on Monday as there were many things we still  would like to explore.

What is Harmony Day? Our thoughts this morning

Jordan – To celebrate our new year. When you celebrate your culture.

Adum – It is a time when you celebrate all the years that you have past.

Alexa – Harmony Day is about being kind to other people and wearing cultural dress or orange.

Keth –  When you celebrate the school

Elnathan – When you be kind and nice to each other.

Ishpreet – Harmony Day is about being kind.

Fish Farm

Mr McCarthy was at this Fish farm this morning so we took the opportunity of exploring some more habitats and utilise his knowledge.

Different habitats we discovered:

Aquarium for fish – inside they need rocks, clean water for clean air, plants, food

Dessert – Bearded dragon – needs a light, heater, water, food

Hopping Mice – places to hide as they like the dark, because they are nocturnal, food, water.

Eastern Long-necked turtle – place to climb out as they need to be able to come out of the water. So they need land and water. Clean water, food

We shared the Book – Longneck’s Billabong

The book talked about different animals and what is in their habitats – the environment, food, places to hide or be protected. The story talked about life cycles and predators within the Billabong.

What animals are in the story? As a group we recalled the animals




Murray Cod





Water rats

After recess we recorded our observations:


Harmony Day Provocations

We talked as a group about Harmony day being a day to celebrate the many different cultures that come together here in Australia and call Australia home. This day is also linked to ‘Bullying No Way’ day where our focus is upon kindness.

So our provocations involved making connections and doing things collaboratively and for others.

  • Making necklaces
  • Making friendship paper chains
  • Paper folding

Then we watched the text -This house

Image result for This house is for everyone picture book

This story is about excluding others from play and in the end the children decide everyone belongs.

This is the same as our school – we all belong. So we created a school from paper and drew everyone inside.

Our School Reflections

Laura – Is about sharing

Keth – Our school is about being kind

Elnathan – Our school is about being nice to people and not being mean and share.

Bibi – School is for caring

Jordan – School is sharing and caring

Alexa – Our school is about learning and welcoming other people in and never, ever hit someone.

McKayla – Someone can not come to their house.

Emily  – Sharing games.


We finished the day with Prayer

This is our school

Let peace dwell here

Let the room be filled with contentment.

Let love abide

Let there be among us care of all people, love for one another and love for life itself.

Let us remember that as many hands build a school so many hearts make a home.

God Bless Our School


Next week we will bring out the World Map and see where everyone is from. – Have a great weekend – Stay safe.

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