Week 9 – Wednesday

Welcome to Wednesday

If your child is at  home I will add additional information to the blog post as ideas for learning.

I would like to encourage the children who are learning at home to find a soft toy to be their learning buddy. As I will include some task for them to do, teach, show their learning buddy.

Home Learning: What information can you read from the calendar? What day is it? What day will tomorrow be? What is the year?

Today we began our day with Come Read with me.

Learning from home: Find a quiet place and your learning buddy and your black bag. Spend 10 minuets reading to yourself, a family member or your learning buddy.

Extension – Draw a picture about your story. 

Literacy Learning

Reading our shared text which focuses upon – revisiting sounds, high frequency words, blending sounds/letter, formation.

The children flowed through 3 learning tasks today:

  • Letter formation and Initial sound recognition- Handwriting, writing High Frequency words – for example went, we, was
  • Adding a speech bubble to their writer’s workshop
  • Writing and painting High Frequency Words


Home Learning : Have you seen a speech bubble in a story before?  Speech bubble are used to show the voice or what your character is saying directly. Add a speech bubble to your picture about your story. What is the character going to say? How are they feeling? Examples: I like going to the park. It feels hot at the beach.

Before Lunch we watched a high frequency song – this is a fun way to learn and practise our words.

After lunch we watched the Dreaming Story about Tiddalick the frog.

Adum – In the story Tiddalick drank the water and all the other animals tried to make him laugh and when the snake was doing some dances the water fell all out of his mouth.

Keth – The snake tried to make Tiddalick laugh, then the water came out of his mouth.

Bibi – The snake made him laugh. Tiddalick drank all the water and the animals almost died.

Elnathan – So the animals tried their hardest to make him laugh and then the eel made him laugh.

Bibi – Tiddalick didn’t share

Hendrix – That the people and animals need water.

Felipe – They need to stay hydrated so they can survive.

Jed – They were trying to make the frog laugh.

We continue to share and talk about this story and it’s message during the week.

The children then drew a frog using different art materials.

Home Learning: Watch the story and draw a frog. What do you think the message is from the story?

Keeping Safe Curriculum: Keeping Safe

What does safe mean?

Elnathan – It means you are happy and hands off.

Kalil – So you don’t get hurt or bullied by other people.

Keth – It means you are happy.

Adum – Safe means that people can’t hurt you.

Where do you feel safe?

Elnathan – I feel safe at home and at school and with my  family. I feel safe because you can tell people and they can fix the problem.

Kalil – I feel safe at home and at school. When someone is being naughty you go to the teachers.

Jerry – I be safe to my sister.

Keth – I be safe at school and at home and when I get hurt I tell the teacher.

Adum – I feel safe when I am alone.

Senay – DOn’t hurt somebody.

Jed – I feel at school and with my family because so I don’t get hurt. I feel safe with my friends.

Felipe – I feel safe with my family at school because it protects and helps us.

Bior – They say no fighting. At school I feel safe.

Hendrix – I feel safe at home and with my friends and family.

Bibi – I feel safe when I am in class and with all the kids in the class.

Emily – I feel safe at home and school.

What makes you feel safe? What makes it safe?

Hendrix – In the classroom, no one can hurt because nothing can come in.

Adum – The class is safe. What makes it safe is there is a lot of room.

Elnathan – Because they protect you. They – The teachers and your family.

Keth – When you are with your friends can play with them.

Kalil -Stay with your friends, be nice.

Felipe – Look where you are stepping.

From our discussion we came to conclusion:

Everyone has the right to be safe. People and places make us feel safe. There are things we do (don’t run with scissors or yell at each other) and rules we have so we are safe. When we are safe we feel happy. We trust people to help us feel safe.

Home Learning: Talk to your child about how they are feeling at the moment. Where do they feel safe? Why do they feel safe there? What does it mean to feel safe?

Play Investigations

Play is the highest form of research.

This afternoon the children explored:

  • Drawing
  • Construction
  • Painting

Emily: I painted milk with Adum and Bibi.

Adum: Me Bibi and Emily were doing painting and we all gave them to you (Mrs Rodgers)

Elnathan – I was making a car for food and Kalil helped me and I fixed the problem with Kalil and you helped me and we found another way to solve the problem.

Senay – I made with Mobilo a robot.

Felipe – I made something for Jed.

Jerry – I drew a picture of me and Keth.

Jed – I was painting a frog with Kalil and Elnathan.

Kalil – Elnathan was helping me make together, so we fixed the problem.

Keth – I was drawing me.

Bibi – We were painting a fridge.

Bior – I was making a zoo for Jerry.

Home Learning: Reflect about your play today through drawing. Who did you play with? What materials did you use? What problems did you have to solve?

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