Week 8 – Wednesday

Come Read with Me

What a wonderful way to start the day.

Image result for importance of reading every day

Thank you Elnathan for taking the photos today.

Literacy Rotations

Our literacy rotations today included:

  • Letter formation ‘Ll’ – sound recognition and word/picture/sound connection
  • Oral Langauge – Beanie Boos in mini log park
  • Draw a  troll and label the body (building upon vocabulary)
  • Roll – count -read game using previous introduced sounds.


We enjoyed sharing this fun text today in the library. Then the children borrows new books to take home and share. It was wonderful to observe the children supporting each other decode the new books they had just borrowed.

As a group we brainstormed words that have the ‘Ll’ sound at the beginning and also words that end in a double ‘ll’ sound

Letter – L l – ll

letter             ball

lollypop         bell

lion               all

look               will

leaf               tall

light              Nell

love               tell


Today we continued to explore the numeracy concept of – Same, More and Less

The children were given a numeral card and asked to count counters to represent the value and then create groups of more and less than the numeral. It was great to observe persistence as the children made connections with their knowledge of number, value and concepts of more, less and the same.


Play Investigation Challenge

Today the children were given the challenge to use ‘words’ in their play.

The children were asked ‘How they could do this?’

Bibi – You can talk to people

Adum – You can make up a story with the Beanie Boo. With the word blocks you can make a sentence while building them up.

Jed – You can read books

Felipe – Puppets shows and build words.

Keth – Talk to others people when we dress up.

Elnathan – If you want to make a book

Kalil – You can make paper laptops

Alexa – You can make words with play dough and signs

The children decided to explore:

  • Play dough – making letters and words
  • After building in the block area- writing a list of the things they built
  • Following instructions to create things from paper
  • Making signs for the zoo in mini log park


Today we shared ‘Grateful’ prayers to the class.

Bibi – Dear God I am grateful for dancing Amen

Jed- Dear God I am grateful for flowers because the smell good. Amen

Elnathan – Dear God I am grateful for the people that come to school to learn more things Amen

Keth – Dear God I am grateful for smell  of the soap Amen

Eann – Dear God I am grateful for my family Amen

Alexa – Dear God I am grateful for you making the world to our planet could be our home. Amen

Felipe – Dear God I am grateful the food you gave us Amen

Mrs Rodgeers – Dear God I am grateful for the wonderful group of children to get to learn alongside of every day. Amen

Have a lovely night and we will see you tomorrow.