Week 9 Doing Fine

Our Tuesday morning began with ‘Come Read with Me.’ The more opportunities children have to engage in reading, the more progress can be achieved. Here are some helpful tips, when reading with your child:

Guided reading strategies:

  • Understanding left to right directionality
  • Matching one-on-one speech to text
  • Pointing under the words
  • Making predictions using a pattern
  • Locating known words on a page and using them as starters
  • Seeking initial letters in a word
  • Using picture cues for support
  • Making connections to background knowledge or other personal links
  • Reading fluency

After sharing in a rainbow facts song, which focuses on number bonds to 10, students engaged in numeracy investigations. Many of the provocations allowed for deeper exploration into number facts, bonds, subitizing, number formation, counting on and addition. Below shares a good representation of this and makes up the bulk of the photos for this blog post today.

During library today, the village read the story ‘Let me sleep sheep’ by Meg McKinlay. Students were able to make predictions about the story and get lost in the imaginative possibilities within!

Image result for 'Let me sleep sheep' by Meg McKinlay

The village also discussed the letter Ee today. Students were able to talk sing along with a song, perform actions, review the formation of the letter and generate an ‘Ee’ word bank. Some students used this to create their own Ee sentences and record other Ee words and pictures. Following this session, students will use their 100 languages to deepen their understanding of the letter Ee, using their creativity and curiosity.

There was also an opportunity for some circle time, where students were able to practice their friendly greetings, as well as role playing situations where they needed to express how they were feeling and what they would like.

Free investigation play time also allowed for further creativity and inquiry.

We finished the day off by singing along in ‘The Butterfly Song’ and sharing gratitude prayers:

Jacob – Thank you God for the beautiful teachers.

Jed – Thank you God for the toys and laptops.

Sara – Thank you God for butterflies.

Dimi – Thank you God for holy family and netball.

Yasha – Thank you God for everyone.

Kiet – Thank you God for for putting gems in buckets.

Viraj – Thank you for the lovely teachers.

Sierra – Thank you God for my lovely classroom and my friends.

Jordan – Thank you God for basketball.

Annabella – Thank you God for my lovely friends.

Leo – Thank you God for the beautiful teachers.

Nicholas – Thank you God for all the stuff we need to make things with.


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