Guided reading week 9

I am creative when I am making something or drawing a thing by thinking what I want to draw or making. Or if I am drawing something and copying it by making it instead.

I used my leadership when I tort [taught] my friend Daniel how to cast the fishing rod when we went on are excursion. and when I help Daniel to put the bait in.

guided reading week 8-plastic free boy

1.How is plastic pollution having a negative impact on animals and our environment?

Plastic pollution is bad for animals and the environment because when they take the sea turtles out of the ocean or any type of sea animal it’s because there is so much rubbish from littering but when there is rubbish in land they have to put the sea turtles back in the ocean but the only reason that they took the sea turtles back in the ocean because there is rubbish in the ocean but they took them out because there is also rubbish in the ocean and turtles think plastic bags are chilly fish so the turtles eat them. And it’s bad for the environment

2. How many tonnes of plastic end up in the ocean?

There is 8 million tones of plastic in the ocean.

3. What can you do to help the environment?

I can help the environment by picking up rubbish when some one drops it on the ground and putting it in the bin.

Numeracy Reflection week 8

My goals for numeracy is to learn more about maths because I am a little bit good at it but some times I don’t know the answer to the question. In Maths I want to learn about numeracy is Difetion [divison] because I am not good at that because I have’t don it before and because I don’t really get it that much but some of the thing I am good at is writing and know some time tables but not all of them.

BTN Week 7 Reflections

1.Explain some difference between dingoes and dogs. The difference between dingoes and dogs are that dogs bark and dingoes growl and dogs can learn tricks and be demestic and dingoes are just wild so they can’t learn tricks they I just wild not friendly.
2. Why are dingoes sometimes a ‘pest’ for some farmers? The farmers don’t like dingoes because they eat the chickens and the farmers are trying to eat the eggs and give them to shops and the dingoes are killing the chickens so they can be no more eggs for the shops. So the people can’t eat them and so the farms can’t eat them to.But in a way they are helping to because a lot of foxes are killing a lot of native animals and wild cats too but the dingoes are eating the cats and foxes because the foxes and wild cats are just interjuct to the wild life and they are eating a lot of thing that are in the wild but foxes and cats just come to kill and eat. 3. What Australian state do you NOT find dingoes in? you can’t find dingoes in Tasmania but all around Australia you can find them but not Tasmania.

Numeracy reflection week 7

Working with a group helps me because if I don’t know something I will have a partner that can help me and if we both don’t know we can look it up and found out what it is. And when it helps me in numeracy I can learn new stuff like more maths stuff because I’m not that good at that but when I read I am good at and writing. And when I am with a partner it is fun because we both will learn new stuff together. And if we are doing a art activity it is better because we get better at something. And when we do something it’s always more fun when you do stuff with when your partnered up with and it’s les fun when you do it alone. When do a game with them it’s always more better and fun and by doing a maths game and vsing each other or doing a spelling game it always fun when you do it with you friends and other partners. Continue reading

investigation week 6

Today in investigation  I made a origami boomerang and a origami ninja star but I am still not good at making it because this is my first time making origami in a long time but I made the boomerang good but it just didn’t come back to me.The ninja star I made it but I didn’t know how to connect it together but I made it perfect because Finn help me to a little bit on the boomerang but I still couldn’t do it.In the ninja star Finn also help me but I forgotten. Lincoln also help me to make it but it was to thik papper.  

Guided reading week 6

1. Who studies eyes? a. Ophthalmologist b. Orthodontist
c. Ornithologist

I think it is the a. Ophthalmologist.

2. Briefly explain how monocular vision works. The eye works because theres and thing in there thats could a cornea so you can see a light so you can see clear and the is Lens in your eye’s that help you and protects the nerves in your eye and there is also a one that help you see colour and light to and that is could Retina.

3. How does having eyes on either side of its head help lizards?It helps them so they can see if anything one side or the other and it helps them camouflage and so no carnivore can see them or people but if they come in front they can sense you.

4rg Fishing Excursion

yesterday our class went to a excursion but it took a while because the bus was 30 minute’s late so we took some photos of Our whole class two time and then the bus arrived then it took a while for us to arrive in west lakes shore but it was only 30 minutes there and back.


And the person that I was sitting next to on the bus was Thinh.


When we were doing fishing I court a fish but I did it with my partner and he was Daniel so I threw the line in and then I gave it to Daniel then he court the fish so it was like team work and when we were using the bait I wasn’t scared or saying ew but I wasn’t saying that because I used that before.


When someone court a fish I went to go see it and I wanted to hold it but it was there fish but when my partner and me court a fish I holden it and tried to take the hook out and then we both put it back in the water and I holden a star fish.When we were doing fishing I nearly got court in the rocks but then Jason came to help me a he did and Jason was the guy that help mr Mecathy and he sort some of the fishing rods too.


We also did some craving but we court no crab but I tried to to craving but I couldn’t catch any but my mum sore a crab but it was a baby crab but she didn’t catch it.


And after we went to have recess then after that we did some more fishing then we went to the play ground and we were playing the floor is lava then then mrs genicarkis came them kibily came then mrs genicarkis said why don’t you hold on to the ropes the thats when I got a blister and a bubble in my hand but I came second still.


Then we some more fishing and then after the we had lunch the did more fishing then we pack up then we went back to the class room in school.


Then mrs genicarkis gave us some ice blocks the we had them out Sid in the playground and after that we played on the play ground and had so much fun and we played sharks and I was it.



week 5 Investigation

Today for investigation I did origami and I made a paper pop and you make it by using paper and when you whack it will make a really loud pop but your paper doesn’t. But it just makes a pop sound and next time I will do a origami boom aran but when I was doing the paper pop I could make it but I couldn’t make the sound and in the first try I didn’t know how to make it but in the second try I knew because I learned from my mistake. I made it perfect but I still didn’t know how to make the sound so I keep on trying but in the last shote I made the sound but it wasn’t that loud.

Guided Reading Week 5- Mungo Man

  1. Mungo Man is the oldest skeleton ever found in Australia. How old is Mungo Man’s skeleton? c. 40 thousand years old. Approximately…

    a. 400 years old
    b. 4 thousand years old c. 40 thousand years old

  2. In which region was Mungo Man’s skeleton discovered? Add a map of the country.
  3. How did geologist Jim Bowler find the skeleton?he found mungo man when he was going on a research to find him in 1974.


  4. Why were the traditional Aboriginal owners of the Willandra Lakes angry?they were angry because that were he lives and thats were his spirit is and he was a very special person to them.