Colour Run | Thursday 26/09

Students to wear casual clothing with a white top on the day.

Below is a rough timetable of when the classes will be participating in the colour run.

Once our class has participated in the colour run, you are welcome to collect your child and take them home. However, please sign out with your teachers.


Emily and Kyle

Term 3, Week 9


Hello everyone and welcome to another busy week in 1EJ and 1KS,

Congratulations to Shayan who has finished his reading booklet and Alissa who has reached 50 reading nights

Congratulations also to Moth for reading 150 nights!




In literacy, this week have started looking at ‘Suffixes’.  We know that suffixes are always at the end of words. This week we focussed on learning the suffixes ‘s and ing’.




In literacy we have also been looking at the sight word look.

In mathematics, we have been measuring the height and length of different objects. We explored using flowers, classroom objects and even Pokemon characters.


In Technologies, we tested our bridges. We had to build a bridge that could fit a troll underneath and the 3 billy goats gruff on top. Have a look at our creations.

We also met up with our buddies this! 1EJ read their information books to their buddies and the bigger buddies shared some laptop learning with us.



Term 3, Week 8

Welcome to another wonderful week in 1EJ and 1KS. We had a very busy and exciting week with Mr White visiting to look at our lanterns, the moon lantern festival assembly and working with a guest speaker to learn and investigate cultural artefacts.


Congratulations to Monairene for reading 125 nights and Wing for reading 25 nights!

We were lucky enough to be able to attend a cultural artefacts workshop held by Iteka. Iteka is an Ajdnyamathanha Narungga and Wangkangurru Tarluyandi artist who brought in a variety of traditional Aboriginal artefacts to share with the children.




In Literacy, we continued exploring blends. This week our focus was blends that are present at the end of words. We learn’t nk, ct, mp and the sight word made‘.








In Maths, we have continued exploring all things length. The children have measured objects, compared their lengths and ordered them from shortest to longest or longest to shortest. We have also been practicing using mathematical vocabulary to describe the length of objects. This sounds like using words like; short, shorter, shortest, shorter than and long, longer, longest, longer than.









In Religion, we have been looking at how everyone is ‘made in the image of God’. The children were asked to reflect on their own family and how they are created by their parents however, are also made in the image to be like God and Jesus.


In Science, We planted ‘Snow Pea and Broad Bean Seeds’. The children had used their previously learnt knowledge of the needs of a plant, parts of a plant and how to plant a seed to support their planting.


Moon Lantern Festival

Term 3 week 7

Hi everyone and welcome to another amazing week in 1EJ and 1KS.


Congratulations to Shayan who reached 200 reading nights.









Moon Lantern making

Science: I can draw and label the parts of a plant. I can describe what each part is used for.

Term 3, Week 5

Wow! What a busy week we have had. This week along with our regular learning we celebrated book week and also attended the SEDA soccer clinics. It was lovely to see the students excitement to participate and try new things.


In Word Study, we continued exploring blends. This week we had a focus on the blends ‘dr, fl, gl and pl’. If you are looking to try something at home, the children can have a go at recording words they know with these blends and then also having a go at putting them into a sentence.


In Writers Workshop, we have been creating our very own information books. Each student chose an animal from the MUDLA and was asked to create an information book all about their chosen animal. We also visited the MUDLA to make sure our drawings and diagrams were accurate.



In Science, we learnt all about the life cycle of a plant. Next week we are going to plant our very own snow peas.

SEDA Soccer Clinic


Taking our learning outside to enjoy the sunshine and be inspired!



In Technologies, we tested if our boats were able to float whilst holding the gingerbread man safely. The children used their design skills to plan, build and then test their designs. Have a look at which boat was able to float!


Drawing the 2024 Paris Olympic Mascot








Term 3 Week 4

Welcome back to another busy week in 1KS and 1EJ!

We were lucky enough to have Audrey and Mohith read parts in our school Liturgy this week.

Congratulations to Shayan this week who read 125 nights!

Congratulations to Everleigh for reading 125 nights!




Congratulations to Mohith for reading 125 nights!

This week in word study we have looked at tr, bl, and cl blends this week as well as the HFW ‘from’


In science we have been looking at how to take care of plants

In technology we created boats using recyclable materials.



Term 3 week 3

Welcome back to other busy week in 1KS and 1EJ!


Just a reminder that we are currently designing boats for design and technology and we would love it if students could bring in recyclable items for us to use in the building process.

Word Study

In word study we have continued looking at consonant blends that are blended with ‘r’ and the HFW ‘saw’



We have continued to look at sharing groups