A warm welcome to week 1

Dear families and caregivers,

Welcome to the 2024 school year.

It has been a great start! We have had the pleasure of meeting some of you throughout the week so far. We have also loved meeting and getting to know your children too. We look forward to working with you all across the year to support your children here are a few things we got up too through the week.


First day of school


Play Investigations


In Maths, we have been showing our number skills through playing a range of dice games. We have been practicing our number formation and have enjoyed showing our teachers what we already know!


We spent a lot of time this week building our class culture and created a shared idea around kindness. We talked about being bucket fillers and how it feels if someone dips from our bucket. Have a look at our work!



One thought on “A warm welcome to week 1

  1. Wow what busy classrooms! Congratulations on your presentation of the children’s learning.

    The other aspect of your Blog whichI love includes the insights you provide the reader into the other unique spaces available to learners in our school.

    Kerry White

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