Term 2, Week 1

Welcome to Term 2! We hope you all enjoyed the holiday break and ready for lots of fun and learning together this term. A few reminders to kick start the term…

  • Students to wear winter uniform in term 2 and term 3
  • Sports uniform still to be worn each Tuesday
  • Students to bring black folders to and from school every day
  • Home learning books with sight words to practise will be distributed, these will need to come to school each day in black folders

Reading Achievements-

Congratulations to Jayden for achieving 25 and 50 nights of reading! Well done!

Congratulations to Julian for achieving 50 nights of reading! Well done!

Congratulations to Grace for achieving 75 nights of reading! Well done!

What a busy start to the term. On our very first day back we began a new topic for word study all about digraphs where two letters team up to make one sound. We practised the digraphs /ck/, /ff/ and /ss/

In order to remember to punctuate our work, we began learning about KUNG FU PUNCTUATION. You may like to have a go at home.

During Maths we started a new topic  about PATTERNS. Here we are at work making patterns with different materials…



Religion- For the first few weeks during religion lessons, we will be learning about Mary. This week we watched the story of the Annunciation, where an angel came to Mary to tell her that she will have a son called Jesus, who will be the son of God.


During term 1 in WORD STUDY  – we were learning to SPELL these sight words. Some words don’t follow their phonological sounds therefore some words we need to just learn by heart. We covered the SPELLING of these 15 words (below) in term 1. Today we will be checking on each children’s ability to recall the correct spelling of all 15 of these words below. If you think your child would benefit from some extra practice SPELLING these words we would love you to practice at home with them :). In term 2 we will be moving onto new words.

Play based investigations:


Our Science topic this term is weather and we’ve also looked at rights and responsibility of the child during Health. Phew… a very busy first week!

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