Term 2, Week 4

Welcome to week 4. This week we worked on the digraphs /ch/, /ng/ and /wh/. We are very proud of the improvements we are seeing in the student’s handwriting and stamina with work completion. Check out these three examples of the progress made from term 1 to term 2! Amazing effort to all!

Some great reading is happening at home too. We know that regular reading at home can…

  • Build concentration
  • Improve memory
  • Teach children about the world
  • Develop empathy
  • Expand vocabulary
  • Boost critical thinking
  • Help build positive self-image
  • Enhance performance in school

Congratulations to Grace for reaching 100 nights of reading!

This week we also continued our learning about rights and responsibilities. We viewed the story ‘Willy and High’ by Anthony Browne and had a great discussion about respectful relationships. You may like to view and discuss the book at home too (watch in link below)! The students then drew a picture of a positive relationship they have and the rights and responsibilities that are integral to the relationship.

Technologies- This week for technologies, the students created the masks that they designed last week. Here is what they came up with:


Today we used what we have been learning about LINES, to create crazy hair pictures of Mr Norris and Mrs A


  • Parents are welcome to attend the Mission Day Mass on Friday May 30th at 11:30am, and later the activities commencing at 1.30pm. (Please sign in at the front office on arrival)
  • MISSION DAY LUNCH: Students will be able to pre-order a MissionDay lunch of Pasta Bake and water/fruit box through the canteen or QKR! App.  The normal canteen menu for lunch orders will not be available on Mission Day, however, the canteen will still be open at Recess.
  • The purchase of tokens will be available on Friday 31 May from the class teachers or by pre-purchasing the tokens through the QKR! App. All money raised for Mission Week will go to St Vincent de Paul, Catherine House and Catholic Charities.

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