Term 2, Week 6

Welcome to week 6!

This week we began our new spotlight study for Writer’s Workshop, all about the author Jez Alborough. You can check out some of his amazing picture books at his website https://jezalborough.com/

To get ourselves immersed in his writing we explored a huge stack of books where he is the author and illustrator and shared our findings.

During Mathematics, we continued our work on addition and began trying out doubling as well! Here we are playing the domino game with a partner. We had to subitise and add the domino dots together (always counting on from the largest number), whoever had the higher total got to keep the domino!

Technologies- For technologies this week, we continued to talk about looking at objects from a bird’s eye view. The students created a picture of a snowman from a bird’s eye perspective:

Have a great weekend! See you on Wednesday! (There is a pupil free day on Tuesday).



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