Term 2, Week 10

Welcome to the final week of Term 2. What a wonderful term it has been with so much growth and development along the way. We can’t wait to see how much learning we can fit into the next 6 months, before we have YEAR 2’s on our hands!


This week we continued our learning on Living Things  where we ventured over to the MUDLA to explore animals, their habitats and how their needs are met.

English: Book Making

1SA and 1PN have also been busy during Writer’s Workshop investigating how Jez Alborough plans and creates his picture books. We investigated how Jez adds rhyming words to his books which makes it so much fun to read. We also noticed how much detail he adds to his illustrations and we can do that too!




Learning Intention:

We are learning about colours and how they are used to make artwork. We are looking at artwork to apply our learning.

Success criteria:

I can use warm and cool colours to create a mars landscape 

Religion- This week the students created a poster showing what forgiveness means to them:

Technologies- Last week, the students designed their own cubby house showing the front on view and a bird’s eye view. This week, they created their cubby houses out of a box, coloured paper and markers:


You should have now received your child’s report through email, please contact the school if you have not yet received a Semester One report. Students and parents are provided with Mid-Year and End of Year Summative Reports at Holy Family. These detail a student’s progress in Key Learning Areas and include a level of achievement, learning engagement and a core curriculum comment for English, Mathematics and Religion.

We hope you all have a lovely holiday break with lots of special family time, recharging the batteries from a busy term of learning!

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