Term 3, Week 1

Welcome to Term 3! We hope you all enjoyed the two week break and ready for a fun term ahead! We are kick starting the term with back to back assemblies, with 1PN hosting on Friday, Week 2 and 1SA hosting in Week 3. If your child brings home a reading part we encourage you to practise as much as possible to build confidence and readiness for the big day!

Reading Achievement-

Congratulations to Julian for completing 100 nights of reading! Well done!

For word study we are revisiting our digraph sounds and practising our sentence structure. We are making sure we use capital letters and full stops. Check out Elaynah and Saskia’s amazing work below.

Our new topic for Writer’s Workshop is NON-FICTION books. We have noticed that they often include a contents page, index and glossary. Some student have already begun to add labelled pictures in their own book making. Well done authors.

During Mathematics, we have started learning about equal groups; where students count out a total number of objects, then share them into equal groups. We watched the video below and practised sharing using unifix cubes and jelly beans!




Religion- This week in religion, we spoke about the word belonging and what it feels like to belong. We then discussed different groups that we belong to. The students created a web diagram of the groups that they belong to. They also wrote about what belonging means to them.

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