Welcome to week 3. Another week, another fabulous assembly, this time presented by 1SA. Thank you to all the parents who were able to attend. We are very proud of both classes for their bravery on stage and their hard work during rehearsals. Well done 🙂
1SA – assembly
Well done to all the children in 1SA ….. you all did an amazing job today presenting to the school with your year 3 buddies
During word study this week we investigated the MAGIC E which makes short vowel sounds into long vowel sound. This catchy tune helps us to remember the job ‘Magic E’ has in words.
We are learning about the symbols and mascots that are part of the Olympics in 2024
Success criteria:
I can draw the Olympic rings
I can tell someone what the colours stand for
I can draw the Paris Olympics mascot
Technologies- This week for technologies, the students got to test the boat that they built last week. The challenge was that it had to hold the weight of the gingerbread man, and stay afloat for 1 minute. Afterwards, the students reflected on their boat design and wrote what changes they would make if they had to do the challenge again.