Term 3, Week 4

Welcome to Week 4. What a busy week! On Wednesday 1SA and 1PN participated in a Soccer Clinic run by SEDA College. The students had a great time working in teams and playing games to develop their soccer skills.

Our bean plants are growing so much. In Science, we looked closely at their growth; measuring the length of the stem and recording our observations. We also worked on creating labelled diagrams of a plant using a ruler! Some students have even chosen to look at living things during Writer’s Workshop. Check out Aadya’s information book all about TREES!

Mathematics- This week, we have been learning about the measurement term, mass. We used the process of hefting to see if we could see if one object was heavier than another. Here are the students in action:

On Wednesday, students from Thomas More College came to perform a music assembly for the whole school:

Assumption of Mary- On Thursday, we had a whole school liturgy celebrating the assumption of Mary into Heaven:


Learning intention: 

•We are learning about the ceremonies involved in the Olympic games.

Success criteria:

•I can record my understanding of the torch relay, Opening ceremony and closing ceremony.
•I can create my own Olympic torch
REMINDERS for next week (Week 5)
BOOKWEEK – dress up is on Thursday 22nd
PUPIL FREE DAY on Friday 23rd


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