Welcome to Term 4, Week 1.
We hope you all enjoyed the two week break and ready for the final term of YEAR 1!We began the week by setting learning goals. We discussed having a GROWTH MINDSET and the importance of positive thinking!
This term we are also looking at WORD FAMILIES.Understanding word families helps us to identify rhyme. Check out some of our amazing book work below…
Religion- This week for religion, we started a unit of work on the Holy Spirit. We watched 2 Gospel stories where the Holy Spirit is present. These were in the form of fire and a dove. The students wrote about how the Holy Spirit can help them in their lives.
Term 4 – Unit Overview: During HASS students investigate activities that occur within places. They discuss why and how spaces within places can be rearranged for different purposes. They identify the activities located in their place and examine why various activities are located where they are. They conclude the unit by creating their own City!
Lesson 1 – Learning Intention Students will be able to: Describe how spaces within places can be rearranged for different purposes.
TASK: Students are to design their DREAM classroom or a map of their current classroom (we will introduce graph paper and rulers etc. later)
- Spring Fair is this Sunday
- Monday is a pupil free day