This week marked National Reconciliation Week, a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements. In honour of this, our classes had a liturgy on Monday morning, sharing our thoughts on forgiveness and saying sorry. Here are some clips that were viewed this week. Our school bell was also changed for the week to celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists.
Our classes were also busy this week creating sensory bottles to sell on Mission Day to raise money for St Vincent de Paul, Catherine House and Catholic Charities.
To finish our inquiry into the weather, students created their own pinwheels to investigate wind and created a weather report to showcase their scientific knowledge. Our new topic in Science next week will be all about LIVING THINGS!
Religion- This week, we discussed the story of Jesus’ Baptism from the Gospel of Matthew. The students then drew and wrote something about the story, or drew and wrote something about a baptism they had been to:
Mission day:
Thank you for all your support for our Mission day, we had lots of food cans donated and tokens purchased where all the money raised goes to several Charities.
There were so many amazing stalls:
sensory bottles
bean bag toss
Guess the teachers school photos as kids
lucky dip
cards of kindness
What a fantastic event mission day is! Thanks for all your work