Term 2, Week 7

Congratulations to Grace for achieving 125 nights of reading! Well done!

Congratulations to Julian for achieving 75 nights of reading! Well done!


Science- This week for science we spoke about the needs and wants of humans. The students then had to draw things that they might need for a camping trip, in their back pack.

Technologies- For technologies, the students drew a picture of a bird’s eye view and front on view of the snowman that they made last week:


Learning intention: We are learning about how shapes make up art work

Success criteria: : I can make identify shapes in artwork

I can create an ocean collage using geometric and organic shapes

Term 1, Week 11

Reading Achievement- Congratulations to Mason who achieved 50 nights of reading! Well done!

On Wednesday, the 10th of April, we had our school Sports Day. Congratulations to St Vincent De Paul (cream)  team who won the day.

Have a lovely holiday and we will see you in term 2.