Term 4, Week 1

Welcome to Term 4, Week 1.

We hope you all enjoyed the two week break and ready for the final term of YEAR 1!We began the week by setting learning goals. We discussed having a GROWTH MINDSET and the importance of positive thinking!

This term we are also looking at WORD FAMILIES.Understanding word families helps us to identify rhyme. Check out some of our amazing book work below…

Religion- This week for religion, we started a unit of work on the Holy Spirit. We watched 2 Gospel stories where the Holy Spirit is present. These were in the form of fire and a dove. The students wrote about how the Holy Spirit can help them in their lives.



Term 4 – Unit Overview: During HASS students investigate activities that occur within places. They discuss why and how spaces within places can be rearranged for different purposes. They identify the activities located in their place and examine why various activities are located where they are. They conclude the unit by creating their own City!

Lesson 1 – Learning Intention Students will be able to: Describe how spaces within places can be rearranged for different purposes.

TASK: Students are to design their DREAM classroom or a map of their current classroom (we will introduce graph paper and rulers etc. later)


  • Spring Fair is this Sunday
  • Monday is a pupil free day

Term 3, Week 10

This week we celebrated our last week of term 3 and we now commence our 2 week holidays. What a lot of fun and learning during this very busy term. We also have a lot to look forward to as Term 4 approaches, with big events on the calendar including Spring Fair and Carols Night.


Colour Run-



This week we recapped some of our Word Study learning including long vowels, blends and suffixes. We played games and participated in activities to help consolidate our learning throughout the term. During Writer’s Workshop we looked at the features of ‘How To’ books and had a go at adding them to our own writing. Congratulations to Miya on her reading achievement this week! Don’t forget to keep up the reading practise in the holidays!



This week we continued learning about forces and motion, conducting an experiment about sinking and floating and making predictions about whether different objects sink or float.


This week, we continued our learning about being made in the image of God. We read two books. One was called, ‘When God Made You’ and the other was called, ‘We’re All Wonders”.

The students then created a piece of artwork that celebrates the wonder and uniqueness that is them!

We hope you enjoy some special family time during the holidays. We look forward to seeing you back for Term 4 on Monday, 14th October

Term 3, Week 9

Welcome to Week 9!


Students have worked hard this week examining how the suffixes ‘ing’ and ‘ed’ can be added to words and how it changes the meaning of a word. During book making, students completed their non-fiction texts adding a glossary and illustrations. Our new spotlight study for Writer’s Workshop will be investigating ‘How To’ books (Procedural texts). Watch this space to see some of our very own procedural writing.


This week we continued our learning on FORCES. We observed toys from the past and how they move. We then had a go at making our own ball and cup toy. Here we are investigating how our toys work.

Technologies- This week, the students tested their bridges. The challenge was that the troll had to fit underneath it and it had to be strong enough top hold 3 billy goats. They then evaluated their design, explaining what they would do if they could make their bridge again.



HASS – Olympics

We watched a video which explained Sportsmanship




Well done to Aadya and Riann on their reading at home, these 2 children joined 1SA in term 3. We are so proud of your efforts.

Week 10 reminders

Thursday 26th – School Colour run – wear a white t-shirt. (pack a spare t-shirt if they may want to change after) It will be in the afternoon.

Mrs A – will be away next Thursday (in Singapore)

Term 3, Week 8

This week we celebrated the Mid Autumn Festival. On Monday Mr White came to judge our lanterns.

The Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as the Moon Festival or Mooncake Festival, is a harvest festival. During the festival, lanterns of all size and shapes  are carried and displayed. Lanterns symbolise beacons that light people’s path to prosperity and good fortune. Mooncakes, a rich pastry typically filled with sweet-bean, egg yolk, meat or lotus-seed paste, are traditionally eaten during this festival.

During Word Study we began learning about suffixes. A suffix is a word of part of a word that is placed at the end of another word to change its meaning. We also learnt how singular nouns can become plural by adding s, es or ies.

Check out the amazing book work below. Adding clear headings and titles to our learning is a skill that will be needed in Year 2, so we are starting now!

Reading Achievements:

Congratulations to Grace for achieving 200 nights of reading! Well done!

Congratulations to Jayden for achieving 150 nights of reading! Well done!

Term 3, Week 7

Welcome to the first week of Spring! Now is a good time to start digging around for those hats which will be compulsory for outside play in Term 4, along with their summer uniform.

This week we continued working on our Non-Fiction books, adding headings and a contents page to our books. Check out Sophie and Dani’s book making below.

Our clever scientists have also continued experimenting with forces; investigating different push forces with toy cars and exploring how to make a ping pong ball move with just a straw. Here we are experimenting!

Technologies- This week for technologies, we made our moon lanterns ready for judging for the Moon Lantern Festival, which is next week:



We then all received a Gold medal for all the fantastic learning we having been doing around the Olympics and Paralympics!! What little champions!!!



Next week (week 8) Thursday is Moon lantern festival….. children can wear cultural or traditional clothing.

Term 3, Week 6

Welcome to Week 6! As you can see below August was a busy calendar month for our classes. We look forward to seeing what September holds for 1SA and 1PN.


Reading Achievements-

Congratulations to Carmel who achieved 50 nights of reading! Well done!


Well done Aadya for getting 25 nights of reading (she only joined our class this term!!!


This week we began our new topic for Science all about FORCES! This topic is all about experimenting with cause and effect. Our class of scientists experimented by making their own rolling toy and even their own catapult. We hope their designs found their way home so you can see the forces in action, as well as the amazing problem solving and scientific thinking that went into their creations!

Technologies- For technologies this week, the students made their bridge from the plans that they had designed a couple of weeks ago. Their bridge has to be strong enough to hold the weight of the three billy goats and tall enough that the troll can fit under it.



Above is a video explaining the Paralympics


We had our buddy class come and help us with a Father’s Day activity…….  your child should have a few things in the black folders for you for FATHERS DAY. HAPPY FATHERS DAY!!!!


BOOKWEEK WINNERS….. 1SA were the winners of the book week voting completion. We received our prize today… Jelly cups with a lolly worm… how lucky!


Term 3, Week 5

Another jam packed week in 1SA and 1PN! This week we started BLENDING for word study where we push two or three sounds together instead of saying each sound separately.

Book work this week has been amazing. We are so proud of the effort students are putting in to present their work neatly and the amazing strides we’ve seen in handwriting over the term! Well done team!

Reading Achievement: Congratulations to Grace for achieving 175 nights of reading! Well done!

We continued exploring our Maths topic ‘Mass and Capacity’ this week too. We used informal units to find the capacity of different containers. Here is our task, we then recorded our findings. Check out our busy learners below.

Health- This week, we played a game called, “Stop, Think & Choose”. The students had to roll a die, choose a scenario and answer what they would do if they encountered that situation:

The end of our school week was marked with our annual BOOK WEEK CELEBRATION! What a great day to share our love of literature and have some dress up fun!

Year 1 team – The Gingerbread man



A reminder that there is no school tomorrow, Friday August 22nd. We will see you next week for more fun and learning!

Term 3, Week 4

Welcome to Week 4. What a busy week! On Wednesday 1SA and 1PN participated in a Soccer Clinic run by SEDA College. The students had a great time working in teams and playing games to develop their soccer skills.

Our bean plants are growing so much. In Science, we looked closely at their growth; measuring the length of the stem and recording our observations. We also worked on creating labelled diagrams of a plant using a ruler! Some students have even chosen to look at living things during Writer’s Workshop. Check out Aadya’s information book all about TREES!

Mathematics- This week, we have been learning about the measurement term, mass. We used the process of hefting to see if we could see if one object was heavier than another. Here are the students in action:

On Wednesday, students from Thomas More College came to perform a music assembly for the whole school:

Assumption of Mary- On Thursday, we had a whole school liturgy celebrating the assumption of Mary into Heaven:


Learning intention: 

•We are learning about the ceremonies involved in the Olympic games.

Success criteria:

•I can record my understanding of the torch relay, Opening ceremony and closing ceremony.
•I can create my own Olympic torch
REMINDERS for next week (Week 5)
BOOKWEEK – dress up is on Thursday 22nd
PUPIL FREE DAY on Friday 23rd