This week we celebrated our last week of term 3 and we now commence our 2 week holidays. What a lot of fun and learning during this very busy term. We also have a lot to look forward to as Term 4 approaches, with big events on the calendar including Spring Fair and Carols Night.
Colour Run-
This week we recapped some of our Word Study learning including long vowels, blends and suffixes. We played games and participated in activities to help consolidate our learning throughout the term. During Writer’s Workshop we looked at the features of ‘How To’ books and had a go at adding them to our own writing. Congratulations to Miya on her reading achievement this week! Don’t forget to keep up the reading practise in the holidays!
This week we continued learning about forces and motion, conducting an experiment about sinking and floating and making predictions about whether different objects sink or float.
This week, we continued our learning about being made in the image of God. We read two books. One was called, ‘When God Made You’ and the other was called, ‘We’re All Wonders”.
The students then created a piece of artwork that celebrates the wonder and uniqueness that is them!
We hope you enjoy some special family time during the holidays. We look forward to seeing you back for Term 4 on Monday, 14th October