Term 3, Week 4

Welcome to Week 4. What a busy week! On Wednesday 1SA and 1PN participated in a Soccer Clinic run by SEDA College. The students had a great time working in teams and playing games to develop their soccer skills.

Our bean plants are growing so much. In Science, we looked closely at their growth; measuring the length of the stem and recording our observations. We also worked on creating labelled diagrams of a plant using a ruler! Some students have even chosen to look at living things during Writer’s Workshop. Check out Aadya’s information book all about TREES!

Mathematics- This week, we have been learning about the measurement term, mass. We used the process of hefting to see if we could see if one object was heavier than another. Here are the students in action:

On Wednesday, students from Thomas More College came to perform a music assembly for the whole school:

Assumption of Mary- On Thursday, we had a whole school liturgy celebrating the assumption of Mary into Heaven:


Learning intention: 

•We are learning about the ceremonies involved in the Olympic games.

Success criteria:

•I can record my understanding of the torch relay, Opening ceremony and closing ceremony.
•I can create my own Olympic torch
REMINDERS for next week (Week 5)
BOOKWEEK – dress up is on Thursday 22nd
PUPIL FREE DAY on Friday 23rd


Term 3, Week 3


Welcome to week 3. Another week, another fabulous assembly, this time presented by 1SA. Thank you to all the parents who were able to attend. We are very proud of both classes for their bravery on stage and their hard work during rehearsals. Well done 🙂

1SA – assembly

Well done to all the children in 1SA ….. you all did an amazing job today presenting to the school with your year 3 buddies

During word study this week we investigated the MAGIC E which makes short vowel sounds into long vowel sound. This catchy tune helps us to remember the job ‘Magic E’ has in words.



We are learning about the symbols and mascots that are part of the Olympics in 2024

Success criteria:

I can draw the Olympic rings

I can tell someone what the colours stand for

I can draw the Paris Olympics mascot


Technologies- This week for technologies, the students got to test the boat that they built last week. The challenge was that it had to hold the weight of the gingerbread man, and stay afloat for 1 minute. Afterwards, the students reflected on their boat design and wrote what changes they would make if they had to do the challenge again.

Dear Families of 1SA,

This term, we are excited to present our assembly with our wonderful Year 3 buddy class, 3CJ. The theme of our assembly is “Growing.”

We have been exploring various aspects of growth, including how plants grow, the differences between living and non-living things, and conducted science experiments and height-measuring activities with our buddies.

We began practicing for the assembly in Week 2, and it will take place in the Hall this Friday, August 9th, starting at 9:00 a.m. Please ensure that your child arrives by 8:50 a.m. We will head straight to the hall at this time so if you can not see us in class please make your way to the hall and send your child through the stage door on the left hand side of stage.

At the end of the assembly, we encourage you to say goodbye to your child. Please wait until the other classes have left the hall, and we will send the children to you.

Thank you for your support. We look forward to seeing you this Friday morning.

Kind regards,

Mrs Sharman & Mrs Altschwager 🙂

Term 3, Week 2

Welcome to Week 2. This week both classes were busy with their assembly preparation. We still managed to fit in lots of learning.

1PN and 3MA Assembly- Thank you to all the parents and families for coming to the assembly and supporting the children. They have been working hard the last two weeks to present their assembly about International Friendship Day.




During Word Study we have continued to look at digraphs recapping ee, oo, oi, ou, ai and ea. See if your clever children have remembered the digraphs from below. Knowing these helps with our reading and spelling of words!

Mathematics- This week, we continued learning about equal sharing. The students had to share 20 objects equally between 2 groups, 4 groups and 5 groups.

Term 3, Week 1

Welcome to Term 3! We hope you all enjoyed the two week break and ready for a fun term ahead! We are kick starting the term with back to back assemblies, with 1PN hosting on Friday, Week 2 and 1SA hosting in Week 3. If your child brings home a reading part we encourage you to practise as much as possible to build confidence and readiness for the big day!

Reading Achievement-

Congratulations to Julian for completing 100 nights of reading! Well done!

For word study we are revisiting our digraph sounds and practising our sentence structure. We are making sure we use capital letters and full stops. Check out Elaynah and Saskia’s amazing work below.

Our new topic for Writer’s Workshop is NON-FICTION books. We have noticed that they often include a contents page, index and glossary. Some student have already begun to add labelled pictures in their own book making. Well done authors.

During Mathematics, we have started learning about equal groups; where students count out a total number of objects, then share them into equal groups. We watched the video below and practised sharing using unifix cubes and jelly beans!




Religion- This week in religion, we spoke about the word belonging and what it feels like to belong. We then discussed different groups that we belong to. The students created a web diagram of the groups that they belong to. They also wrote about what belonging means to them.

Term 2, Week 10

Welcome to the final week of Term 2. What a wonderful term it has been with so much growth and development along the way. We can’t wait to see how much learning we can fit into the next 6 months, before we have YEAR 2’s on our hands!


This week we continued our learning on Living Things  where we ventured over to the MUDLA to explore animals, their habitats and how their needs are met.

English: Book Making

1SA and 1PN have also been busy during Writer’s Workshop investigating how Jez Alborough plans and creates his picture books. We investigated how Jez adds rhyming words to his books which makes it so much fun to read. We also noticed how much detail he adds to his illustrations and we can do that too!




Learning Intention:

We are learning about colours and how they are used to make artwork. We are looking at artwork to apply our learning.

Success criteria:

I can use warm and cool colours to create a mars landscape 

Religion- This week the students created a poster showing what forgiveness means to them:

Technologies- Last week, the students designed their own cubby house showing the front on view and a bird’s eye view. This week, they created their cubby houses out of a box, coloured paper and markers:


You should have now received your child’s report through email, please contact the school if you have not yet received a Semester One report. Students and parents are provided with Mid-Year and End of Year Summative Reports at Holy Family. These detail a student’s progress in Key Learning Areas and include a level of achievement, learning engagement and a core curriculum comment for English, Mathematics and Religion.

We hope you all have a lovely holiday break with lots of special family time, recharging the batteries from a busy term of learning!