Term 2, Week 9

Welcome to week 9! This week students have continued their investigations into living things. We discussed the needs of animals and shared this catchy tune…

Then it was time to create an animal and their shelter using play dough. The students enjoyed creating nests, burrows, birds and wombats. Check out some of their creations below…


Learning Intention:

 We are learning about Primary and Secondary colours and how they are used to make artwork

Success criteria:

I can identify the 3 primary colours.

I can mix the primary colours together to make secondary colours.

Technologies- This week, the students designed a cubby house by drawing the front on view and the bird’s eye view of it. They will be making them next week.

Congratulations to Jayden for achieving 100 nights of reading! Well done!

Term 2, Week 8

Welcome to Week 8.

This week we finished out Maths topic about addition. During our adding dice games, it was wonderful to see so many students using the counting on from largest strategy! Then we began our new topic… SUBTRACTION!

During Science we explored how human needs can change based on their environment. We considered astronauts on the moon and people who work on submarines in the ocean. Their needs change based on their environment. Lots of scientific thinking happening this week!

A big congratulations to our MINI LIT MASTERS who have successfully completed Part A of the Minilit program!


Religion- This week, we listened to the story from John’s Gospel about the good shepherd. We heard about Jesus being the good shepherd to us and all people. The students had to write about how they can be a good shepherd in their lives.

Hope you have a great weekend!

Term 2, Week 7

Congratulations to Grace for achieving 125 nights of reading! Well done!

Congratulations to Julian for achieving 75 nights of reading! Well done!


Science- This week for science we spoke about the needs and wants of humans. The students then had to draw things that they might need for a camping trip, in their back pack.

Technologies- For technologies, the students drew a picture of a bird’s eye view and front on view of the snowman that they made last week:


Learning intention: We are learning about how shapes make up art work

Success criteria: : I can make identify shapes in artwork

I can create an ocean collage using geometric and organic shapes

Term 2, Week 6

Welcome to week 6!

This week we began our new spotlight study for Writer’s Workshop, all about the author Jez Alborough. You can check out some of his amazing picture books at his website https://jezalborough.com/

To get ourselves immersed in his writing we explored a huge stack of books where he is the author and illustrator and shared our findings.

During Mathematics, we continued our work on addition and began trying out doubling as well! Here we are playing the domino game with a partner. We had to subitise and add the domino dots together (always counting on from the largest number), whoever had the higher total got to keep the domino!

Technologies- For technologies this week, we continued to talk about looking at objects from a bird’s eye view. The students created a picture of a snowman from a bird’s eye perspective:

Have a great weekend! See you on Wednesday! (There is a pupil free day on Tuesday).



Term 2, Week 5

This week marked National Reconciliation Week, a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements. In honour of this, our classes had a liturgy on Monday morning, sharing our thoughts on forgiveness and saying sorry. Here are some clips that were viewed this week. Our school bell was also changed for the week to celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists.

Our classes were also busy this week creating sensory bottles to sell on Mission Day to raise money for St Vincent de Paul, Catherine House and Catholic Charities.

To finish our inquiry into the weather, students created their own pinwheels to investigate wind and created a weather report to showcase their scientific knowledge. Our new topic in Science next week will be all about LIVING THINGS!


Religion- This week, we discussed the story of Jesus’ Baptism from the Gospel of Matthew. The students then drew and wrote something about the story, or drew and wrote something about a baptism they had been to:

Mission day:

Thank you for all your support for our Mission day, we had lots of food cans donated and tokens purchased where all the money raised goes to several Charities.

There were so many amazing stalls:

sensory bottles




bean bag toss


Guess the teachers school photos as kids

lucky dip


cards of kindness





Term 2, Week 4

Welcome to week 4. This week we worked on the digraphs /ch/, /ng/ and /wh/. We are very proud of the improvements we are seeing in the student’s handwriting and stamina with work completion. Check out these three examples of the progress made from term 1 to term 2! Amazing effort to all!

Some great reading is happening at home too. We know that regular reading at home can…

  • Build concentration
  • Improve memory
  • Teach children about the world
  • Develop empathy
  • Expand vocabulary
  • Boost critical thinking
  • Help build positive self-image
  • Enhance performance in school

Congratulations to Grace for reaching 100 nights of reading!

This week we also continued our learning about rights and responsibilities. We viewed the story ‘Willy and High’ by Anthony Browne and had a great discussion about respectful relationships. You may like to view and discuss the book at home too (watch in link below)! The students then drew a picture of a positive relationship they have and the rights and responsibilities that are integral to the relationship.

Technologies- This week for technologies, the students created the masks that they designed last week. Here is what they came up with:


Today we used what we have been learning about LINES, to create crazy hair pictures of Mr Norris and Mrs A


  • Parents are welcome to attend the Mission Day Mass on Friday May 30th at 11:30am, and later the activities commencing at 1.30pm. (Please sign in at the front office on arrival)
  • MISSION DAY LUNCH: Students will be able to pre-order a MissionDay lunch of Pasta Bake and water/fruit box through the canteen or QKR! App.  The normal canteen menu for lunch orders will not be available on Mission Day, however, the canteen will still be open at Recess.
  • The purchase of tokens will be available on Friday 31 May from the class teachers or by pre-purchasing the tokens through the QKR! App. All money raised for Mission Week will go to St Vincent de Paul, Catherine House and Catholic Charities.

Term 2, Week 2- Mother’s Day

Dear Mums!!!!!

As your teachers, we are grateful for the opportunity to work with your children and witness the love and support that you provide them everyday. Being a mother is one of the toughest and most rewarding jobs out there. Wishing you all a happy mother’s day!




Technologies- Last week for technologies, the students designed their very own emoji mask. This week they created their masks. They had to revisit their design when creating their product. Her is what they came up with:

Well done to Olivia – for reading for 25 nights!!!!!