Term 1, Week 4

In science we have been exploring weather and in particular this week seasons. We watched a video about why there are seasons (attached below) and played a guess the season game.

Students drew what the environment and weather looks like in each season and possible activities they would do during the season. Enjoy some photos of their work (sorry not sure why some of the photos flipped).



English- The students have been getting into the swing of things with the InitiaLit program. 3 weeks in, they are getting used to how it is run and are doing well with the activities. Here are photos of the students completing a worksheet that corresponds with the teaching of the concept of what they learnt about that day:


Term 1, Week 3

Week 3 has been busy with lots of learning.

This week in Science we watched a news report on the weather. We then explored the different weather symbols and what they mean. The students became weather detectives and described the weather from yesterday (Wednesday), today (Thursday) and tomorrow (Friday) using weather symbols and describing words.


Religion- In religion this week, we watched the story, ‘Jesus Blesses the Little Children’.

The students had to think about other people in the class, and write about what makes them special:

Term 1, Week 1

A big welcome to all the families of 1PN and 1ST. We were very excited to meet all the children and had a wonderful first week together!

Here are the photos of the students on their very first day of year 1.



Have a wonderful weekend and we will see you on Monday. 🙂