Mission Week

This week is Mission Week. This is where we look at the Mission of Jesus and God. We look at how we can live in God’s love and spread this love to those around us.


We thought about the question: What do you think Mission Week is about? Why do you think it is important?

Raavi: We have to do something to help the people for Holy Family. We as a school help other people. There is people somewhere in the world that don’t have food and clothes, so we help people around the world.

Nicole: It is about when everyone learns about what other people have and what it is like there.

Emad: We donate food to the people who need it more than us.

Kyle: When poor people are needing help, we can help them.



Below are some photos of children working on their pet rocks. We will be selling these to other students on Friday. The children were so enthusiastic and accessed their critical and creative thinking during this task today.







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