Word Study

Today in Word Study we started to explore single sounds and digraph sounds in more depth. Some students looked at when you combined the ‘s’ and ‘h’ sounds they become a different sound and make a ‘sh’ sound.
Other students looked in more depth at the single ‘s’ sound.


We joined together for a sharing of the text by Julia Donaldson; Sharing The Shell.

Students then spent time brainstorming different ‘sh’ and ‘s’ words and below is some of the words we thought of, as well as photographs of our learning.


sharing / shopping / shell / milkshake / shapes / shove / show / shot / Ashley / Joshua / shark / shoe / sharpener / Spanish / sharp / shy / shout / sheep / sheet / ship / woosh / shirt / she / sushi.


sunglasses / sun / house / snake / school / Ambrose / horse / swim / cats / Hawkes / sat / sunny


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