Friday 23rd July: Online Learning

Welcome to fabulous Friday!

Please see a ‘Good Morning’ message from Miss Jessop!

Please see a ‘Good Morning’ message from Miss Dowsett!


Things to remember

1) All of the activities may be completed in any order and whenever is convenient for you and your child.We encourage you to provide fitness breaks, walks and free play opportunities in between learning! We will also have suggested brain breaks for you to choose from if you wish!

2) Please remember that during this time, your engagement in learning is wonderful to see but your wellbeing is our priority. Take care of yourselves and your family!


Let’s start our day with some mindfulness. Listen to Miss Jessop talk us through what we will be doing!


Some music to help you with your mindfulness.


Please spend 5-10 minutes reading one of your levelled reader books if you have them with you. Otherwise, please enjoy a shared reading from Miss Dowsett:


Fitness Break

Keeping active is one of the best ways we can take care of ourselves! Please go outside and enjoy some fresh air for a fitness break. You may like to set up your own obstacle course, or go on a scavenger hunt and count how many yellow/green/blue things you can spot in your backyard!


enjoy this GoNoodle!

Sound of the week

Our letter sound this week is the sound ‘oa’.  Spend some time viewing the below video

Can you find some ‘oa’ words in your house? Below you will see images of what Miss Dowsett and Miss Jessop could find!




Miss Dowsett loves… toast!



For Numeracy we are going to continue looking at time durations. Today, we will be making our own ‘days of the week’ book. Watch the following video of Miss Dowsett explaining the task below.

We are grateful! 

See an image below of Miss Jessop’s and Miss Dowsett’s! You might like to also spend some time decorating your hand!

Miss Jessop’s hand


Miss Dowsett’s hand



Please see a ‘Goodbye’ message from Miss Dowsett and Miss Jessop! Have a great weekend!

Don’t forget that you are welcome to share any learning that you get up to at home via reply on the blog or by emailing your class teacher.

4 thoughts on “Friday 23rd July: Online Learning

  1. Dear Miss Dowsett,
    I enjoyed seeing Cody in action.
    My speck of gold is spending time with my family
    and having lots of hugs 🤗
    From William.

    • Good morning Will,

      That is a wonderful speak of gold! I hope you continue to enjoy spending quality time with your family 🙂

      From Miss Dowsett

  2. What a wonderful day you have planned for your year 1s Ms Dowsett and Ms Jessop! I loved the way you explained the days of the week and the mindfulness activity. Enjoy your learning from home year 1s!

  3. Great job everyone, Ms Dowsett and Ms Jessop we think you are awesome and your learning buddies are so cute !

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