Monday 26th July: Online Learning


Please see a ‘Good Morning’ message from Miss Dowsett!

Please see a ‘Good morning’ message from Miss Jessop!

Things to remember

1) All of the activities may be completed in any order and whenever is convenient for you and your child.We encourage you to provide fitness breaks, walks and free play opportunities in between learning! We will also have suggested brain breaks for you to choose from if you wish!

2) Please remember that during this time, your engagement in learning is wonderful to see but your wellbeing is our priority. Take care of yourselves and your family!

Morning Routine 

Join Miss Jessop as we go through the date and our class calendar today!


Fruit Break

Fun Fact: Miss Jessop grew up watching the wiggles and this was one of her favourite songs! Maybe you can listen to it whilst you enjoy your fruit this morning!


Join Miss Dowsett as we practise being present, centred and grounded on this lovely Monday together!

See below for a photo of Miss Dowsett’s mindfulness activity.


Please spend some time away from your school work now! Eat some food and spend some time playing! See photo’s below of how Miss Jessop and Miss Dowsett will spend their recess break!

Miss Jessop’s dog – Archie!

Miss Jessop’s dog – Jax

Miss Dowsett will be spending some time outside with Cody! 


Shared Reading:

Join Miss Jessop for a shared reading of Millie-Mae in Winter By. Natalie Marshall.

Sound of the week:


Brain Break:


Join Miss Dowsett as she goes through our Health lesson for today!


Time for lunch! Eat some food and have a play! Also enjoy a song break!



Join Miss Jessop as she explains our Religion lesson for today!

And now Miss Jessop will explain our religion task to us.


Spend the rest of your afternoon engaging in some play based learning investigations! You can use your imagination for this, just like you do when you’re at school!


Goodbye from Miss Dowsett!

Goodbye from Miss Jessop!

Don’t forget that you are welcome to share any learning that you get up to at home via reply on the blog or by emailing your class teacher.

3 thoughts on “Monday 26th July: Online Learning

  1. Wow Miss Dowsett and Miss Jessop! So much learning going on in your virtual classroom. I’m so happy to see you with your learning buddies. Enjoy your day everyone!

  2. So much amazing learning available for your Year 1s today! You have inspired me to spend my break time with my dog too!

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