Holy Family Christmas Carols: Reminder

Good afternoon families,

This is just a friendly reminder that 1SD and 1KJ will be participating and performing in the Holy Family Christmas Concert this Friday 3rd December commencing from 5:30pm. The event will be held on the school oval. Families are encouraged to bring a picnic rug or chair. From 5:00pm there will be a Gala Auction and the canteen will open for drinks and sausage sizzle to purchase.

Please note:

  • All students will need to be accompanied and supervised by their parents, e.g., not turning up alone.
  • All students need to MEET THEIR TEACHER OUTSIDE CURIOSITY (near the Design Lab door) two items before their own. Reminders will be made throughout the evening. After they have performed, they can continue to watch the rest of the concert with their family, or go home.
  • Students may wear neat CASUAL clothes for the concert, preferably in Christmas colours (red, green, white, yellow) or accessorised with a Santa hat, tinsel, etc. Students in 1SD and 1KJ have made reindeer headbands which they will wear during their performance.

Participation by all students is encouraged, although not compulsory. We do ask that if your child wishes to attend, then they must also perform. Please confirm if your child will be participating. If you and your child are unable to attend, please also let Miss Dowsett or Miss Jessop know as soon as possible.

Please refer to the email sent by Mr White for further information regarding bookings (tickets), COVID-safe requirements and the Gala Auction.

We look forward to performing for you!

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