Each child in our class has drawn an image and been included in the Junior Primary tea towel to celebrate 40 years of Holy Family Catholic School!

Take a look below at the preview..

Don’t forget to get your order in via the QKR app THIS WEEK to make sure that you are able to secure yourself a tea towel.

Religion Role Play

Today in Religion we looked at the bible story; Noah’s Ark.

We reflected on what we already knew about this bible story. Below you will see students thoughts and ideas.

Will: The people didn’t believe that God was going to make it flood for 40 days, so Noah made an ark – God told Noah. The people drowned for not believing God.

Eliana: God was going to make a flood, but the people didn’t believe in God. SO Noah made an ark so him and his friends wouldn’t drown. Noah and his family believed in God and accepted God.

Ayan: God told Noah to a little village, he went to another one.

Nicole: He was trying to tell people that there was going to be a flood, but people didn’t believe him until it started and then people believed him.

JK: Noah tried to help the people but they didn’t listen.

Hannah K: Noah obey’s God.

Raavi: After the flood was over, he made an arch to sacrifice  himself for the world and everything that was living.

Together we then watched a story about Noah’s Ark.


We then spent some time discussing the qualities Noah had.

Kind – Paris

Teamwork & Bravery – Raavi

Helping people & being nice – Nicole

Leadership and being a good leader – Will

Being kind and helpful – Eliana

Listening to and obeying God – Ayan

Students then additionally spent some time role playing the story of Noah’s ark. They did a fantastic job, and you will see photographs of their role play’s below.


We know all about time!!

This term in Mathematics we are beginning to explore time, and the concepts of time. We have been looking at growing our brains to tell time to the half-hour. Students have started exploring time on an analogue clock, as well as have started to construct their own clocks.


Below you will see some photographs of our exploration with analogue clocks today!



Wednesday 28th July: Suggested Learning


Good Morning and welcome back to learning at school for the majority of us. For those who are working on their learning at home we have some learning tasks that you may complete that will be similar to what we do at school!

We are thinking of you all and we miss being in the classroom with you but we look forward to being back together again soon.

Please remember that during this time, your engagement in learning is wonderful to see but your wellbeing is our priority. Take your time completing the below learning tasks and do your best with the resources you have available at home. Don’t forget to share your learning via email or blog reply.

Let’s start our day with a song!

Sound of the Week

Let’s recap the sound of the week – ie.

Follow the video below and sound out each word that has the -ie digraph.

‘ie’ Words | Phonics Phase 3



Please spend 5-10 minutes reading one of your levelled reader books if you have them with you. Otherwise, please enjoy the following audiobook below:


For literacy today, continue on the book you have been working on this week. Don’t forget all the things we talk about at school during bookmaking time – writing in full sentences, adding a title, author and picture on the front cover and adding words and drawings to each page in your book.


Switch off your devices and enjoy a break – have a good snack and chat with your family.


Let’s warm up our brains and sing along to this song about time!

We have been learning a lot about clock and time! Have a watch of the video below.


Have a think, what does a clock look like?  Think about the following; the hands, the  digits, what a minute is, what an hour is, etc.

Task – Creating a clock

Students make their own clock using coloured paper, paper plates and split pins. Students annotate their clocks (write minute on the large hand and hour on the small hand).

Play Investigations

For play investigations today, you can choose what activity to do. It could be:

Creating out of lego/blocks

Making a shop

Working on a puzzle

Relaxing to a quiet drawing


Switch off your devices and enjoy a break – have a good lunch break and chat with your family.


This activity can be done in a large space with PE equipment hoops or anything similar.

Stand inside your hoop, then lift your hoop above your heads and gently bring it down to the ground. The area inside your hoop is your personal space and no-one may enter your personal space.

Hold your hoop carefully at waist height and walk around the room, without touching anything. This demonstrates respecting everyone’s personal space.

Questions to think about:

  • How might someone know that there is someone else in their personal space? (Responses could include: uncomfortable feelings; feeling crowded; someone touching your body.)
  • What might someone do if they felt a person was in their personal space? (Responses could include: ask the person to move away; please move away; tell someone in their network.)


Keeping active is one of the best ways we can take care of ourselves! If possible, you might like to go outside and play, visit the PE Blog for activities, or follow the yoga video below.

We’re Going on a Bear Hunt | A Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure!

Enjoy the rest of your day at home and don’t forget to share any learning via email or the blog.

Celebration of Learning

Good Evening 1KJ and 1SD! 

Miss Dowsett and I hope that you had a wonderful day at home with your families and enjoyed engaging in the online learning tasks! Well done for completing your first week of term 3! We are hoping we are back together in the classroom at the end of week 2!

It was fantastic to hear about all the learning you have been doing at home with your families! Well done to the students for sharing their learning during this time.  See some images below of all the wonderful work they completed!


Christellar’s Work 












Oliver’s Learning


Video_1 Video

Will’s Work

Harjas’ Work

Paris’ Work

Brodie’s Work

Miss Dowsett and I invite all families to do the same if you would like to share your child’s learning, and we will continue to post learning in this post at the end of each school day!

All the best,
Miss Jessop and Miss Dowsett

Friday 23rd July: Online Learning

Welcome to fabulous Friday!

Please see a ‘Good Morning’ message from Miss Jessop!

Please see a ‘Good Morning’ message from Miss Dowsett!


Things to remember

1) All of the activities may be completed in any order and whenever is convenient for you and your child.We encourage you to provide fitness breaks, walks and free play opportunities in between learning! We will also have suggested brain breaks for you to choose from if you wish!

2) Please remember that during this time, your engagement in learning is wonderful to see but your wellbeing is our priority. Take care of yourselves and your family!


Let’s start our day with some mindfulness. Listen to Miss Jessop talk us through what we will be doing!


Some music to help you with your mindfulness.



Please spend 5-10 minutes reading one of your levelled reader books if you have them with you. Otherwise, please enjoy a shared reading from Miss Dowsett:


Fitness Break

Keeping active is one of the best ways we can take care of ourselves! Please go outside and enjoy some fresh air for a fitness break. You may like to set up your own obstacle course, or go on a scavenger hunt and count how many yellow/green/blue things you can spot in your backyard!


enjoy this GoNoodle!

Sound of the week

Our letter sound this week is the sound ‘oa’.  Spend some time viewing the below video

Can you find some ‘oa’ words in your house? Below you will see images of what Miss Dowsett and Miss Jessop could find!




Miss Dowsett loves… toast!



For Numeracy we are going to continue looking at time durations. Today, we will be making our own ‘days of the week’ book. Watch the following video of Miss Dowsett explaining the task below.

We are grateful! 

See an image below of Miss Jessop’s and Miss Dowsett’s! You might like to also spend some time decorating your hand!

Miss Jessop’s hand


Miss Dowsett’s hand



Please see a ‘Goodbye’ message from Miss Dowsett and Miss Jessop! Have a great weekend!

Don’t forget that you are welcome to share any learning that you get up to at home via reply on the blog or by emailing your class teacher.



Read aloud with Miss Jessop

Good morning and happy Thursday Year 1’s!


This morning I have recorded a story for you to enjoy with your families – I read one of my favourite books by Drew Daywalt & Oliver Jeffers,  The crayons’ book of colours! 

While you are watching me read today, I would love you to think of some feedback that you can give me based on my reading. Remember the important things we’ve been talking about that help us be an effective reader!


Enjoy the story! I look forward to hearing what you thought of the story! And if you have some extra time today, maybe you might like to draw a picture using all of the colours you can! Wishing you all the best with another day with your learning at home.

Miss Jessop & Miss Dowsett!