Wednesday 21st July: Online Learning

Good Morning and welcome to our first day of online learning!

We hope that you are your families are staying safe and healthy during this time. Please see below for some suggested learning tasks for today. Please take your time completing these and we only ask that you do your best with the resources you have available at home.



Please spend 5-10 minutes reading one of your levelled reader books if you have them with you. Otherwise enjoy the following audiobook below:


Writer’s Workshop

In Writer’s workshop this term, we are discussing ways to be an effective reader through modelled reading to an audience. If it is possible, we ask that you spend some time with your child and discuss what effective reading looks/sounds like. This may be things such as; where the book is held, clarity and volume of your voice, eye contact, etc.

Show them the video below, and ask them to notice and name the things the reader has done that made the story more engaging.

Once you have had a discussion about effective reading, student using their clear folder (sent home with them yesterday), they can continue working on a book of their choice, or start a new one. Remind students that authors use words and pictures in their writing. We always stretch our sounds out and have our best go!


In maths this term, we have started learning about time. We have discussed all of the things that we already know about time and students shared things like

  • Time helps you know when to do things
  • Your alarm helps you wake up for school in the morning
  • The clock has numbers from 1-12
  • The hands on the clock move slowly
  • There is day time and night time
  • When a day passes it has been 24 hours
  • There are 7 days in a week
  • There are about 30 days in a month
  • You have your birthday in one month
  • There are 4 seasons – this is the one we are going to focus on today!

Enjoy this song we sung together yesterday – but just remember that in Australia, we call ‘fall’ AUTUMN

Task instructions:

In your learning journal that you took home yesterday (black cover, spiral bound), create a detailed drawing of what you know about the seasons.

If you don’t have your learning journal at home, this can be done on any piece of paper you have.

Divide your page into four sections just like in the video – one section for each season.

In each section, use drawings and words to describe what that season looks like, sounds like and feels like. Don’t forget to add lots of details like the strong mathematicians and scientists you are, filling the page with colour and annotations. Add the name of each season too!

Your title for this page is:

                   Seasons                          21.7.21

Don’t forget that you are welcome to share any learning that you get up to at home via reply on the blog!

Tour of Curiosity Centre

Today we were lucky enough to get a tour of the new Curiosity Centre lead by Miss Burdon. Students were beyond excited to get to explore this new space! Please see some photographs of our time there together. 



After this, we reflected on the question; What did we like about Curiosity Centre? Students then spent some time writing their responses and drawing images.






Word Study

Today in Word Study we started to explore single sounds and digraph sounds in more depth. Some students looked at when you combined the ‘s’ and ‘h’ sounds they become a different sound and make a ‘sh’ sound.
Other students looked in more depth at the single ‘s’ sound.


We joined together for a sharing of the text by Julia Donaldson; Sharing The Shell.

Students then spent time brainstorming different ‘sh’ and ‘s’ words and below is some of the words we thought of, as well as photographs of our learning.


sharing / shopping / shell / milkshake / shapes / shove / show / shot / Ashley / Joshua / shark / shoe / sharpener / Spanish / sharp / shy / shout / sheep / sheet / ship / woosh / shirt / she / sushi.


sunglasses / sun / house / snake / school / Ambrose / horse / swim / cats / Hawkes / sat / sunny



During HASS this Term we have started to look at different places around the world & more specifically in Australia. We have started to develop our skills and knowledge in relation to looking at maps and identifying different features on a map. 


Today we had a look at Holy Family Catholic School on a map. We talked about where everything was located on the map, and how we could identify our classroom, the playground, the office and the oval.

Students then had a go at creating their own maps of the classroom. Below you can see photos of our learning.





3D shapes

In Mathematics we have exploring different 2D and 3D shapes. We have been discussing how these shapes have their own properties and characteristics. 

We have discussed the follow features





Today we had a go at making our own 3D shapes and noticing the corners these shapes have, as well the sides. Students had to label the sides, and colour in the corners; as well as name the shape they had.



Our first VR experience

Today 1KJ was lucky enough to have Mr. Hansen assist us with our first experience in VR. We explored a game called ‘Fruit Ninja’ where the students used their gross motor skills.

Below you will see some photos of the students enjoying their experience with VR. We are hoping to go back again next week so we can all experience it!

Later in the term, we are hoping to use VR to explore the map of Australia!


Mission Week

This week is Mission Week. This is where we look at the Mission of Jesus and God. We look at how we can live in God’s love and spread this love to those around us.


We thought about the question: What do you think Mission Week is about? Why do you think it is important?

Raavi: We have to do something to help the people for Holy Family. We as a school help other people. There is people somewhere in the world that don’t have food and clothes, so we help people around the world.

Nicole: It is about when everyone learns about what other people have and what it is like there.

Emad: We donate food to the people who need it more than us.

Kyle: When poor people are needing help, we can help them.



Below are some photos of children working on their pet rocks. We will be selling these to other students on Friday. The children were so enthusiastic and accessed their critical and creative thinking during this task today.