Assembly Rehearsal/Presentation to Parents

Dear families,

1KJ and 1SD will be hosting this week’s assembly.  Parents are welcome to attend the final rehearsal on Thursday 20 May commencing at 2pm in the Hall.  Please sign in at the front office on arrival.

Parents are also reminded that when entering the school, they must check-in by scanning the SA Health QR code or completing the paper recording log template.  The paper recording template is available in the front office.


Please note the COVID SAfe Check-in is purely for SA Health contact tracing purposes and does not replace our normal visitor sign-in process.

Celebration of reading!

Congratulations to the following students on reaching their next reading award!! 

Oliver has read for 100 nights now! We are so proud of his determination for reading!


Vonn has read for 50 nights! Congratulations Vonn! We are so proud!

Rithvik Raj has also read for 50 nights! We are so proud of the progress he has made in his reading!

What is a celebration?

In religion today, we looked at what a celebration is and the different kinds of celebrations we know. We spent some time discussing the following questions. 


What is a celebration?

Emad – It is when Christmas, that is a celebration.

Alana – A celebration is when you are a from a culture and you celebrate the place. 

Raavi – When its your birthday, you celebrate it.

Vedika – When you come together with some family and friends that is a celebration


What are different celebrations you know of?

Raavi – A birthday

Paris – Christmas

Eliana – We celebrate in church

Harmony – You can make things and then go to a party

Hannah – Mother’s Day & Father’s Day

Alana – Chinese New Year.

Hannah N – Easter 

Ashley – A wedding

JK – Halloween 

How and what do we celebrate in church?

Eliana – We learn about when Jesus died

Will – The celebration of when Jesus made a sacrifice for us. 

Ayan – The priest helps us learn about God. 

Students then spent some time drawing a picture of a time when they joined in a celebration. Below you will see images of what the students drew. 



Thank You to everyone who has sent in photos of them celebrating with their families. We would be more than happy to receive anymore! We will be looking through them as a class on Friday.


This Term in health we will be looking at children’s right, and the right that – all children have to be safe and feel safe. We started by looking at what are children rights, and what do we as children have a right to.


Below is what we came up with.


We also talked about who is responsible for making sure we get these things.

We decided that the following people are responsible;


Our Parents

Whoever we live with

Our teachers

Our friends


Welcome to Term 2!

We had a wonderful & happy start to Term 2!

We hope you all had a lovely break spent with your families & enjoyed the sunshine when it was out! Shanay and I are so excited for everyone to be back and for us to start another term filled with growth and learning. 

Take a look at our calendar for this week.

Interactive Writing

This term we are going to have a go at writing ourselves & being brave spellers during ‘Interactive Writing’. This is where we have a phrase/joke/word we want to write and we work together to sound it out and listen for each sound in the word.

Today we wrote: ‘The first day of school is Tuesday.’





Thanks for a wonderful first day! We will see you all again tomorrow.





Highlight’s of Term 1

What is a speck of gold that has happened to you this term?

Nicole; getting to learn stuff from my teacher.

Long; Learning to listen to the teacher.

Thomas; doing work.

Jason; Getting to meet my buddy.

Eliana; Learning exciting things.

Riva; learning to help people if they are hurt.

Christellar; Writer’s Workshop.

Harmony; Doing learning and hoping your brain grows.

William; Meeting my buddy because he is a year 4 in Mrs. G’s class.

Oliver K; Getting to see my teachers.

Raavi; Cleaning up the classroom and helping the environment grow.

Hannah K; Playing fun investigations.

Ariah; Having fun colouring in.

Agamjot; Getting better at soccer.


Thank You for a fantastic term! We hope you have a wonderful break and feel refreshed ready for Term 2 in 2 weeks time!

Numeracy Learning

Numeracy Learning

In numeracy this term, we have been looking at number, sequencing numbers, patterns in numbers and creating number lines independently and in groups.


Today students looked at creating their own number lines, and were also asked to look for patterns. Can you make a number line that displays a pattern?


See students learning below!







Harmony Day 2021

Every year on the 21st of March, we celebrate Harmony Day. Harmony Day is where we celebrate Australian multiculturalism, inclusiveness, respect and belonging for all. 

On Friday students were invited to wear the colour orange, or clothing from their cultural background. Below is some photos of children from Friday.


Today we looked a little deeper at what Harmony Day means and also what it means to us and for us. Children spent some time drawing an image of themselves, as well as thinking of one word that described them. They were allowed to think of any word they wished; we discussed using words or names of our culture/s, as well as words which they thought described them as people.

Oliver; it is a day to celebrate us.

Addison; Celebrating easter

Eliana; it teaches us to be kind each day,

Christellar; so we can celebrate the world.

Thomas; Celebrating our kindness.

Will; peace on earth.

Riva; Be kind to everyone.

Harmony; Be happy from Harmony Day.

Raavi; You wear orange and you celebrate. 





Below is an image of our classroom display, where we will continue to celebrate our differences throughout the year and be proud of the people we are.