My School Dentist through the Australian Dental Foundation will visit our school in Week 1 of Term 2 (29th April to 2nd May) for dental check-ups during school time for children in Early Learning to Year 6, with one or more of the following depending on your child’s needs: x-rays, clean, fluoride treatment, dietary advice and/or oral hygiene instruction.
If you wish your child to see My School Dentist, a registration pack is available for collection from the front office or please email for one to be sent home with your child. Please return the completed registration form to the front office by Monday 7th April. Staff from the My School Dentist program will collect the forms and contact you to confirm a booking.
If your child requires further follow-up treatment, the My School Dentist team will contact you to discuss the available options and obtain consent prior to performing any additional treatment. If no further treatment is required, your child will be seen in the next 6 to 12 months for their routine dental check-up.
After the dental check-up, children will be sent home with an oral health report card and free oral health pack, as well as you will be contacted by the treating dentist via phone regarding their appointment.
Parent/Teacher/Student meetings will be held from Monday 31st March to Thursday 3rd April 2025 (week 10 term 1) for children in Preschool to Year 6. This is an excellent opportunity to discuss your child’s progress with their teacher. Students are encouraged to be present at the meeting. Online booking system, please go to our website and click on School Interviews. (more information, see original email from 06/03/2025)
Harmony Day will be celebrated on Friday 21st March. Students to wear traditional cultural clothing or orange or school uniform. Special Harmony Day lunch from canteen. Orders can be placed at the canteen, on the QKR! App or front office. (more information see original email from 07/03/2025)
We will be having a Pupil Free Day on Friday 28th March. The school and pre-school will be closed. OSHC and Long Day Care will be open but bookings are essential. Please note there will be NO Playgroup on this day.
On Wednesday 2nd April year 5 and 6 students will be hosting their Market Day. There will be food and activities at a cost ranging from $0.50 to $5. All money raised will go towards subsidising their Camp. Purchases for lunch (sausage sizzle $3 each – beef or vegetarian with bread) can be made via QKR App by 26th March 2025. Raffle for canteen vouchers available via QKR App at $1 per ticket (drawn 2nd April 2025). See newsletter for more information
In Term 2 we will be billing the remainder of the year (Terms 2, 3 & 4) in one invoice for all students in Reception to Year 6. Fees should be paid in full by the end of the year. A 5% discount will be applied if the balance of fees are paid by Friday 30th May 2025. Please check the Community Portal to keep track of any outstanding balance. If you have not registered for the Community Portal please contact staff to re-send the link.
If you require care for your children during school holidays (Monday 14th April to Thursday 24thApril) please ensure you book using Xplor App. All bookings must be confirmed by staff. The Vacation Care Program is on our website under the OSHC tab or use this link
School finishes at 3pm on Friday 11th April 2025. We will resume on Tuesday 29th April 2025at 8.50am.
Please note there are 3 public holidays during School Break as follows:
- Friday 18/4 (Good Friday);
- Monday 21/4 (Easter Monday);
- Friday 25/04 (Anzac Day).
If you have been able to receive/make donations can you kindly return your box with your child or to the front office by the last day of Term 1, Friday 11th April 2025.