Class Information – 2025

Welcome back to an exciting year! I hope all students have been excited and happy to settle back into the school routine for this year. I have attached some information below to support the transition and timetabling of this year. If you have any queries or question, feel free to have a chat with me or send me an email on:


Music (Specialist Teacher: Mr. Joesph Mabilog)

  • Tuesday

Spanish (Specialist Teacher: Mrs. Viriginia Nunez-Scalzi)

  • Monday

Sport (Specialist Teacher: Mrs. Leanne Cooymans)

  • Thursday


Students are dismissed at 3:00pm. If your child attends Out of School hours Care (OSHC), or are being picked up from the back, side or front gate, or the ‘Kiss and Drop Zone’, they will be accompanied by a teacher on duty. It is school policy for children to be taken to the front office if they have not been picked up by 3:20pm.


Our library returning and borrowing day is Wednesday. All students are encouraged to use their black library bag (or something similar) to store and carry their books.


2TH begins our day with ‘brain food’, this is in addition to their recess and lunch. This can include fruit, vegetables, cheese, or a yoghurt for your child to eat during this time. Please ensure there are no nut products within the lunchbox as Holy Family has a no nut policy.


Please ensure your child is wearing the correct uniform, including safe footwear. Please ensure all clothing items, including hats are clearly labelled with your child’s name. This also includes food containers, drink bottles and any other personal items.

A reminder that hats and sunscreen should be worn during all outdoor activities in term 1 and 4. Sunscreen is available in class for students to apply.


Have a great rest of the week,

Miss Tiana