Wednesday (Term 2 | Week 1)


Today we began a new focus area for our learning from the Keeping Safe Child Protection Curriculum (SA), which focuses on relationships. We began with the topic of rights and responsibilities. What rights do children hve? What responsibilities might correspond to those rights?


Here are some examples:


Our shared reading was an intriguingly titled book, 9 Things to Remember (and one to forget):

9 things to remember (and one to forget) is an ode to nature. Each turn of the page reveals a small wonder, something to investigate, discover and remember. The way a Pelican can swoop without its stomach touching the water, a polar bear can send messages with its footprints and trees can live longer than humans.


Mrs Stam challenged us with some worded problems involving addition and subtraction. Some problems could be solved in one step, whilst others took two and sometimes three steps.



Today’s adventure story was a beautifully written book called The Coat, written by Julie Hunt and illustrated by Ron Brooks:

The Coat stands in a paddock at the end of a row of strawberries. It is buttoned up tight and stuffed full of straw and it is angry. “What a waste of me!” it yells. Then along comes a man. “I could do with a coat like that,” the man says.

And so the adventure begins as the coat and the man fly away together …

Some of us worked with our teachers in order to answer some comprehension questions about the text, whilst others designed coats for themselves based on the story themes of identity, self-belief  and self-confidence.


Today’s drama lesson is the first of two sessions based on the book Funnybones by the talented Ahlbergs, Janet and Allan. Mrs Handforth led us through still images, freeze frames, soundscapes and mime.

We warmed up with a game called ‘Ten Second Objects’ – see if you can guess what we are. After this we read the opening of the story, we divided into small groups and made freeze frames for key elements of the plot thus far. We used thought tracking to hear more from characters. After a little more of the story, we created Mixed Up Dog Dances for the skeleton dog. We finished off with a cool down game called Count to Twenty. Well done to Ravleen, Deeksha and Manasvi, who persisted with this frustrating challenge and reached 20!

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