Monday (Term 2: Week 3)

Welcome to a rather wet Monday in Parafield Gardens.
Mums, we hope you had a lovely Mother’s Day yesterday.

A reminder that the Year 3 NAPLAN tests start tomorrow as can be seen on our May calendar below. Please try to ensure your child arrives at school promptly to ensure the smooth administration of the tests – they are scheduled between 9-11 am and involve administration, such as logging onto the lock down browser etc. Tomorrow’s test – writing – is a pencil and paper test. All other tests are on laptops.


We began the day by reading a myth from Ancient Greece, Daedalus and Icarus.

In this myth, Daedalus, an architect, is asked by the King of Crete to make a labyrinth (maze) from which it is impossible to escape. At first the king is immensely pleased with Daedalus. Unfortunately for Daedalus, however, a prisoner escapes from it, and the king is furious. He has Daedalus and his son, Icarus locked in a tall tower. Daedalus plans their escape … a clever idea with disastrous consequences for his son.

After reading the story, we were challenged to  make two lists in our literacy books: a list of living and non-living things that can fly, and a list of words that mean the same as (synonyms) ‘flying’ (our own ideas, plus words we discovered by researching using a Kids Online Thesaurus.

Continuing with our learning about Growth Mindset, we recapped what we already learned about our brains. Logan reminded us that our brains as about as big as our two clenched fists pressed together.  Jason reminded us that our brains are like muscles and that we can grow our brains to get smarter.

In today’s episode Mojo enters a robotics competition and wins an unexpected lesson in the magic of mistakes.


We shared the picture book, The Tunnel by talented author and illustrator, Anthony Browne. Before reading, we got curious by thinking of questions that the cover engendered in our minds. We brainstormed some questions and that wrote some of our own wonderings, trying to remember to use a question mark at the end of our question sentences.

We really enjoyed spotting all the interesting and hidden things in the pictures, which are very detailed. What can you spot?


Mrs Stam had some games and activities designed to test our problem solving skills. Mojo’s message about the ‘magic of mistakes’ and learning by making them, was most pertinent in this session.

The afternoon saw us enjoying Sport (basketball and netball) and Spanish (art themed) before home time.

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