Important events coming up…

Dear families,

Please see the important school events over this week and next week:

Week 8

This Thursday 7th December is our End of Year Mass in the Hall at 11:30am.

All welcome to attend. Father James will be leading us along with the Year 6 students.

This Friday 8th December is our school Carols Night, commencing at 6:30pm on the school oval.

Please note: All students will need to be accompanied and supervised by an adult; they cannot come alone.

Children are encouraged to wear Christmas colours or neat casual.

All students need to MEET THEIR TEACHER OUTSIDE CURIOSITY (near the Design Lab door) 2 items before their own. (Reminders will be made throughout the evening). After they have performed, they can continue to watch the rest of the concert with their family or go home (please see me to sign your child out if you decide to leave).

We should finish at about 8pm. The raffle will be drawn after the Year 1 classes have performed.

Tickets for raffle available from

The canteen will be open to purchase drinks & ice-creams only. Families are encouraged to bring a picnic rug or chair.


Week 9

Wednesday 13th December is a shared lunch for 3NP and 3SB at 12pm in the classroom. Please ensure your child still has fruit and recess packed in their bag on this day. As a guide, could the boys bring a sweet and the girls bring a savoury plate to share (or whatever best suits your family). If there is any hot food to bring in, this can be done from 11:30am via the front office. Please ensure your platters are labelled so that we can return them to you.

Thursday 14th December is the LAST DAY OF TERM. School will finish at the normal time of 3pm on the day.

Friday 15th December is a PUPIL FREE DAY. OSHC is available for families through the booking app.

We are looking forward to celebrating the last few weeks of the 2023 school year together with your children.

Kind regards,

Ms Pinneri, Mrs Stam and Ms Baldock

Music assembly today

Congratulations to the students in 3NP and 3SB who performed today at our school music assembly.

You all showcased your talents and demonstrated bravery to perform in front of such a large audience.

We are so proud and congratulate the following children:

Jeikei on vocals and piano

Emily on piano

Ashley on piano

Arnav on piano

Ayan on violin

Oliver on guitar

Williams on drums

Sam on drums

Amazing effort this morning, well done!

Please enjoy the videos of the students’ performances:


















Lego coding incursion

This week 3NP and 3SB were very lucky to have had the opportunity to participate in a Lego coding incursion with Ben from Learn with Bricks.

Children were given a Lego kit in pairs to construct a vehicle with a battery and used coding techniques with a corresponding application from an iPad to make it move.  They were highly engaged and thoroughly enjoyed the experience!











Our assembly last week was amazing! The students read their parts perfectly, put so much energy into the dance and looked incredible in their hats. Ayan was brilliant on his violin. Thank you so much for all the families who came to watch us!

CoSpaces with Paul Hamilton

Hi everyone,

Today the year 3 students were very privileged to use the application CoSpaces with Paul Hamilton.  They learned how to be architects by building their own spaces.  These ranged from using 3D wall, floor and ceiling products, including furniture and interior contents of houses.  The children were very engaged and had the opportunity to share the spaces that they created today.

In future lessons we will be re-imagining, designing and building playgrounds using CoSpaces.  This connects the Mathematics and Technologies curriculum.  Watch these CoSpaces!


Welcome back to Term 4!

Good afternoon everyone,

A warm welcome back to school in Term 4! We are excited for a fun and busy term with our students.

Here are a few reminders and upcoming events:

Children are required to wear the full summer uniform for this term, including hats at recess and lunch time. We have sunscreen provided in the classroom but your child is welcome to bring their own from home if there are any skin sensitivities.

Please ensure your child comes to school with fruit or vegetables for our brain break, recess and lunch, as well as a drink bottle with water only for hydration throughout the day.

Sunday 22nd October – Holy Family Spring Fair!

You are all welcome to come to school this Sunday for our annual Spring Fair – with food, stalls, rides, auctions, entertainment and fireworks to end the day!

At the Spring Fair on Sunday, 3NP and 3SB are selling friendship bracelets  that the children have created for $1 each.  If you are able to help sell the bracelets on our stall from 11am this Sunday, please let us know.


Monday 23rd October is a Pupil Free Day at Holy Family.  OSHC will be available through the booking system. We have a guest speaker David Bott presenting The Wellbeing Distillery to teachers, who will also be available for parents on Monday night.  More details below:


Friday 27th October is 3SB and 2MA Assembly in the Hall at 9am.  All are welcome to attend.

Here are some more photos from Sports Day and the Colour Run!

Sports Day and Colour Run this Friday!

Dear Families,

This Friday 29th September is Sports Day at Holy Family held on the school oval.

Students are allocated to one of the Houses listed below:

St Mary MacKillop – Black

St Pope John Paul II – Red

St Vincent de Paul – Cream


School will commence at the normal time of 8.50am and finish at 3pm.  Students will need to wear their sports uniform but may wear a coloured shirt for their sports house.

The program will be run in 3 stages with classes returning to their classrooms for their normal lessons when not required to be at the oval.  Families are welcome to attend to watch their child participate.

Here is the outline for 3SB and 3NP during the Sports Day rotations from 11:50am:

  1. 100m sprint
  2. Accuracy challenge
  3. Tug of War
  4. Agility Course
  5. High jump / Long jump
  6. Throwing events

Please see the map below for the location of rotation events:

If you are a registered volunteer and able to assist the class teacher with the Sports Day activities, please advise your child’s teacher.


We are also hosting a Colour Splatacular School Fun Run to raise money for a very important project. As you know, we have a special focus on Ecology and Sustainability in our school.  Accordingly, we are seeking to boost our Library Resources by purchasing 1000 books on Ecology and food production for our Curiosity Library.  The Colour Run will take place on the oval after lunch.  On the day, make sure your child brings a white or old t-shirt for the Fun Run!  Participating students will be covered in non-toxic, high quality colour powder and ooey gooey slime from head to toe!


8:50am School commences
9:00am Opening ceremony – student assembly in Hall in House areas

Welcome ceremony and team chants

Year 3-6 return to class at conclusion

Year R-2 go to the oval for class baton relays

9:20am Reception – Year 2 classes only – JP baton relay
9:40am JP rotation
10:50am JP rotation finish
11:00 -11:20am RECESS
11:25am Year 3-6 baton relays
11:50am Year 3-6 rotations
12:50pm Rotation finish
12:50 – 1:10pm Championship Race and Presentation (whole school)
1:10 – 1:40pm LUNCH
1:10 – 1:40pm Early Years Colour Splatacular School Fun Run
1:45 – 2:15pm Years R-2 Colour Splatacular School Fun Run

Students may be collected at conclusion once signed out

2:20 – 3:00pm Years 3-6 Colour Splatacular School Fun Run
3:00pm School finishes

The Canteen will be open on Sports Day with the available menu shown below.  Please order at the canteen or through the Qkr app.  Parents attending Sports Day are welcome to make purchases from the canteen.

Meat pie $4.50
Sausage roll $4.50
Tomato sauce $0.20
Hot dog with sauce $4.50
½ hot dog with sauce $3.50
Hot ham and cheese roll $5.00
Vegetarian Pasta $5.00
Flavoured Milk – chocolate, strawberry $3.50
Fruit box – apple, tropical, orange, apple blackcurrant $2.00

We are looking forward to a fun and exciting day this Friday!  We hope to see you there.

Kind regards,

Ms Pinneri, Mrs Stam and Ms Baldock

‘Meet The Author’ learning Showcase.

Today we held our learning showcase where families and friends were welcomed into our class to share the wonderful information books that have been created by the authors in 3SB and 3NP.

It was lovely to see visitors taking the time to share not only their Child’s book, but the books of other children in the class.

Thank you for supporting the students today and for those who couldn’t make it we have plenty of photos to share 🙂