This week’s Assembly

Dear families,


Hello and welcome to 2025 we hope you all had a lovely break with your children. On Friday the 14th of February the Year 4 classes will be hosting the Assembly.

Our theme is St Valentines Day.  We thought it would be appropriate as a part of theme if the children could wear a red or pink t-shirt with their sports shorts or pants. If they don’t have the red or pink t-shirt they can wear their sports uniform.

They can wear this from home in the morning.

Just a reminder the Assembly is now at 2.10pm.


Thank you for your support look forward to seeing you there,

Mrs Elyshia Blackley


Dear families,

I can’t wait to meet you tomorrow morning, I’ll be out in the piazza FROM 8:30 if you’d like to come and say hello!

Here is our weekly timetable, which may change slightly over time.

Monday and Thursday – Sports Uniform

Friday morning we have library and assembly has been moved to the end of the day.

Could you please join our class DOJO by following this link below

4EB is now in room 13, students may choose their new locker on arrival 🙂

Welcome to a New School Year!

Dear families,

I am so excited to be starting this school year with you and your child! It’s going to be a year full of growth, learning, and new experiences, and I’m truly looking forward to getting to know each of my students.

I’ve attached a “Meet the Teacher” letter with more details about me.

I truly believe that open communication between home and school is key to a successful year, so please feel free to reach out to me anytime. I am available during office hours from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. You can contact me by calling the school number or via email.


If you could please click the link and sign your child up for our class DOJO, I will use this program for communication, and to provide some feedback on your child’s progress and behaviour.


You child can also log into Epic Reading using our class code: ytb5127


Looking forward to an amazing year ahead!

Kind regards,

Mrs Elyshia Blackley