🌈 Colour Run 🏃🏽‍♂️

Dear Parents,

We are excited to announce that WE ARE HAVING A COLOUR RUN!!! 🌈



Last chance to make a difference! This is your LAST week to collect donations for our Colour Splatacular School Run 4 Fun 💸

There is still time to earn some fantastic incentive prizes.

Don’t give up just yet! 💪 Do you think you can top our leader board? 🤔

#schoolrun4fun #funrun #australianfundraising #fundraising #coloursplatacular

Nella Apolloni, Laura Adams and Sahar Neissi 🥰

👕Casual Day 👚

Dear Families,

On Friday 20th of September, we are having a CASUAL DAY!






😃Father’s Day Stall 👨🏽

Hi Parents,

Here is some information about our Father’s Day Stall, which will happen on the 30th of August, Friday next week.

Children from Early Learning – Year 6 will be able to make a purchase when their class attends the stall during the day
Cash only – gifts priced from
$1 to $10
If you are a Registered Volunteer and can help with the stall, please contact the School office.


Rodnella, Laura and Sahar ☀️

🙏🏼 Mission Day ❤️‍🩹

Hi families,

This week HFCS is celebrating Mission Week, with Mission Day on Friday 31 May.

Each class will be asked to organise an activity or stall on the day. Please note that this year there will not be any food stalls. As we have done in the past, students will only be able to use tokens to purchase items and participate in the activities, as we do not take money at the stalls.  The purchase of tokens will be available on Friday 31 May from the class teachers or by pre-purchasing the tokens through the QKR! App (this is our preferred option).

Tokens are available in 10c portions with a page of tokens costing $5.

All money raised for Mission Week will go to St Vincent de Paul, Catherine House and Catholic Charities.

We will also be asking families to bring in a can of soup/non-perishable food to donate to Fred’s Van.

N.B. Students are to be in SCHOOL UNIFORM on MissionDay.

Please find below a timetable of Mission Day:






Lessons 1,2,3 (give out tokens)

11.00 am



Mission Day Mass in Hall

12.30 -12.40pm

Eat lunch

12.40 – 1.20pm


1.20 – 1.30pm

set up time


Mission Day activities commence


Clean Up


Assembly in Hall


School ends

Parents are welcome to attend the Mission Day Mass at 11:30am, and later the activities commencing at 1.30pm. (Please sign in at the front office on arrival)


Students will be able to pre-order a Mission Day lunch of Pasta Bake and water/fruit box through the canteen or QKR! App.  The normal canteen menu for lunch orders will not be available on Mission Day, however, the canteen will still be open at Recess.


We would love to see you all 💛

Ms Apolloni & Mrs. Adams

🙏🏼 Mother’s Day Liturgy 🛐

Mother’s Day Liturgy

Next Monday, 13th May, our school community will be celebrating Mother’s Day with a liturgy to be held in House teams. Our Year 6 House and Sports Captains will host each liturgy, which begins at 9am. Please find the liturgy locations for your child/ren below:

  • St Pope John-Paul II House (Red) – Hall
  • St Vincent De Paul House (Cream) – Curiosity
  • St Mary MacKillop House (Black) – Mass Centre

    From 8:15am until 9:15am on the Monday morning, a Fresh Bean Adelaide coffee van will be supplying coffees free of charge. We would love to see as many mothers, grandmothers, big sisters, aunts and cousins as possible, along with all your family, and it would be fantastic if you could stay to celebrate the Mother’s Day liturgy at 9am.

    Wishing all mothers and significant people in our children’s lives a Happy Mother’s Day on Sunday, and we look forward to seeing you on Monday morning.

    Kind regards,

    Anthony Terminello (APRIM)

    Assistant Principal I Religious Identity and Mission

👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏻 Mother’s Day Stall 💓

Hi Families,

Just a reminder that our annual Mother’s Day stall will be taking place tomorrow, Friday 10th of May.

Students will be able to make a purchase when their class/group attends the stall during the day. Cash ONLY –  gifts prices from $1 to $10.

*If you are a Registered Volunteer and able to help with the stall, please contact the school office*

Have the most lovely day EVER!


Miss Apolloni 💛

🏊🏻‍♀️2024 Swimming Trial 🏊🏻‍♀️

Dear Families,

The SACPSSA Swimming carnival will be held on Wednesday 3 April.  In preparation for this carnival, we will be holding trials leading up to the Swimming Carnival.  Interested students in Year 3-6 are invited to participate in trials held from 7:30am to 8:20am at the Parafield Gardens Swimming Centre, corner of Kings and Martins Road.

If you would like your child to participate, they would need to be transported to and from the swimming centre by an adult. Please note for participation by students from year 3 to 6, they must be able to successfully swim 25 metres and dive confidently.

The dates of the trials are:

Trial 1: Week 6 – Tuesday 5th March

Trial 2: Week 7 – Tuesday 12th March

Selected Squad training – Week 8 – Tuesday 19th March

Selected Squad training –  Week 9- Tuesday 26th March

Please note the SACPSSA Swimming Carnival will be held on Wednesday, 3rd April at Marion Swim Centre.  Separate consent form will be sent home following selection of the team for the Swimming Carnival.

If you have any further questions, feel free to send an email to leanne.cooymans@holyfamily.catholic.edu.au


Kind regards,




🤲🏼 Ash Wednesday ✝️

Today, 14th February, as Catholics we are celebrating Ash Wednesday.

Ash Wednesday places Catholics and Christians in the place of Jesus’ entry into the desert before His death. It is a symbolic turning of one’s heart towards God, recognising the brokenness that exists and the need for salvation.

The ash is meant to communicate grief and sorrow over sins and repentance through the death of Jesus Christ on the cross. Ash Wednesday initiates the 40-day period of Lent, during which we reflect on Jesus’ 40-day fast and temptation in the desert.

Traditionally, this day and Good Friday are days of fasting and abstinence for Catholic adults but not our students. Lent is a penitential season of prayer, self-denial and helping others where the Church prepares for Easter.

We will be having a Whole School Mass for Ash Wednesday at 11:30am in the Hall and it will be celebrated by Fr Shibu.

Our seniors, the Year 5/6 students will be assisting with prayer of the Faithful.

We Hope to see you at Mass today 💛

❤️‍🩹 National Apology to Stolen Generation Survivors ❤️‍🩹

Dear Families,

February 13 each year marks the anniversary of the National Apology to the Stolen Generations, who suffered trauma because of past government policies of forced child removal.

Many of these removals occurred as the result of laws and policies aimed at assimilating the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population into the predominately white community.

Stolen Generations survivors are some of Australia’s most vulnerable people and many have kept their stories and experiences secret for many years, even decades.

Through hearing the resilient stories of Stolen Generations survivors there is now a willingness for Australians to join in on the healing journey.

Each year, Reconciliation SA commission a film to help share ‘story’. This year’s documentary hears from the incredible Yankunytjatjara woman and author and illustrator Kunyi Anne McInerney, who was born on Todmorden Station near Oodnadatta. Please click on the link below (27:11 run time)

Three Names, One Woman – Kunyi’s Story – YouTube

We have a lovely book in the library ‘Sorry Day’ written by Coral Vass and Dub Leffler, which depicts the National Apology.


Rodnella, Laura and Melissa ❤️