Sports Day 2021

Dear Families,


Holy Family’s Sports Day for 2021 will be held on Friday 23 July (week 1, term 3) on the school oval.

School will commence at the normal time of 8.50am and finish at 3pm.  Students will need to wear their sports uniform but may wear a coloured shirt for their sports house.

This year, we have amalgamated the sports houses and learning houses together and students are allocated to one of the Houses listed below:

  • St Mary MacKillop – Black
  • St Pope John Paul II – Red
  • St Vincent de Paul – Cream

The program will be run in 3 stages with classes returning to their classrooms for their normal lessons when not required to be at the oval.

Parents are welcome to attend to watch their child participate.

Parents are also reminded that when entering the school, they must check-in by scanning the SA Health QR code or completing the paper recording log template. The paper recording template is available in the front office.

Please note the COVID SAfe Check-in is purely for SA Health contact tracing purposes and does not replace our normal visitor sign-in process.


Adults needs to continue physical distancing of 1.5 metres whenever and wherever possible.  This requirement does not apply to people who live together.

A reminder that any person who is unwell or symptomatic must not attend the school.

If you are a registered volunteer and able to assist the class teacher with the Sports Day activities, please advise your child’s teacher.


8:50am School commences
9:00am Opening ceremony – all classes in Hall

Please note that due to current COVID-19 restrictions, parents will not be able to enter the Hall to view the opening ceremony

9:25 – 10.45am Reception – Year 2 classes only
11:00 -11:20am RECESS
11:30am – 12.45pm Years 3 and 4 classes only
12.50 – 1:30pm LUNCH
1:30 – 2:40pm Year 5/6 classes only
2:40pm Year 6 championship race & Presentation
3:00pm School finishes


The Canteen will be open on Sports Day.  Please order at the canteen or through the Qkr app.  Parents attending Sports Day are also welcome to make purchases from the canteen.


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