Our Rights!

The Convention on the Rights of the Child is in place to protect children; there is also the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which exists for all people.

Provocation – Individually select one right/article from either the page previous or from the link below. Record this in your Art Folder on the top of a new page and then visually represent what it means to you.  

Year 6 Camp Reflection

Our Year 6 students spent some time this week reflecting on our camp to Victor Harbour at the end of last term. 


Library Week 9

This week in our library session we were very grateful to James and Alex Reed who read us the focus book of the week called ‘The March of the Ants’.

It was so wonderful to see the boys using expression and fluency to make their read aloud a success!

After reading, the boys even asked us some comprehension questions about the story…

  • Solomon – The little ant was the main character
  • Alex M – 10 ants were marching
  • Solomon – Size doesn’t matter
  • Kahlan – It doesnt matter what the cover looks like, it matters what is on the inside

As a class we discussed borrowing perfect fit books for us to tread throughout the week and what that might look like.

A Unique Harmony Day!

Well that was a Harmony Day to remember!! 

Friday definitely taught us to expect the unexpected and to always show flexibility. In what seemed like a normal morning, we spent the day without power! Although we lacked access to technology, wifi, aircon and the screens, we were revelling in an abundance of resilience, creativity and collaboration.

We discussed the importance of Harmony Day and what it means to us.

  • Paxton – Peace
  • Blessings – Being together and showing diversity
  • James – Collaboration
  • Seanna – Being inclusive of people in school

We investigated the provocation surrounding re-desiging Australian Flag to better incorporate the values of Harmony Day…

Saint Joseph Class Mass

Written by Hong-Phuc

Today we went to mass!!! So Michelle and I and Ezekiel (shout out to him) did the mass, me and Michelle did basically everything which was setting up and preparing, and Ezekiel was the replacement guy for Myshell, who had to practise the Vietnamese dance. Ezekiel is the new guy by the way, Myshell taught him weeks ago, and his first mass was about 2 weeks ago. Oh, and he’s a year 4.

Father Santosh was the priest for the mass, and we celebrated Saint Joseph, who was the earthly father of Jesus. His feast day is tomorrow, on the 19th of March, which is coincidentally also Harmony Day as well! So Saint Joseph was about to call off his wedding with Mary when an angel came to him in his dreams to say “The Holy Spirit gave Mary the Child, you will call him Jesus, and he will be the Son of God.”

Thank you to Father Santosh, Mr. Urdanoff, our class and teachers for participating today.

Hi Buddies!

Today, after much anticipation, we got to meet our Year 1 buddies!

What a lovely experience!

We got to have a chat with our new buddies and find out all the things that they love and enjoy doing! We can’t wait to build on this friendship and learning in the coming weeks.

Doodle for Google

Doodle for Google
This year our double class is entering the Doodle for Google Competition! This where we could be the possible winner of a new design to be shown on Google.

How it works

Use your imagination to create a Google Doodle based on what inner strength means to you.

This year’s theme is:

I am strong because…

Strength isn’t only about how fast you can run or how many pushups you can do – it’s also about the strength inside of you.How do you rise above troubles and keep moving forward in tough times? When you make mistakes or get scared, what helps you clear the clouds above your head? When people around you are feeling down, how do you use your inner strength to lift them up?

Our theme this year invites you to tell us what makes you uniquely strong, take a look at some of our entries…

Exploring Matthew’s Gospel

This week we have been looking at the Gospel reading from Ash Wednesday according to Matthew. We have read the Gospel and have spent time trying to understand the meaning behind this reading. Students were given the opportunity to choose a small part from this reading and translate it so that younger children can understand it.

Take a look at our work!