Week 9

Boys doing religion

Francis doing religion

Dear Parents/Caregivers,

I hope this message finds you well, I am going to share the highlights of the past few weeks with you.

Firstly, we had a wonderful Harmony Day celebration it was heartwarming to witness our community coming together to honor diversity and foster a sense of belonging. Seeing our students in their cultural attire and vibrant orange clothing was lovely.

In our religious studies, we collaborated with our reception buddies to commemorate Palm Sunday by crafting beautiful palm leaves. The collaboration between our students was inspiring as they not only assisted each other in coloring the leaves but also engaged in various bonding activities where they played various games.

Our exploration of Lent and Ramadan in religion class was very informative. Partnering up, students completed research and preparing presentations on these significant religious events. This not only deepened their understanding but also allowed us to appreciate and respect the diverse traditions within our classroom and increase our own learning and understanding.

Turning to mathematics, we’ve been focusing on the fundamental operations. Students are completing an assessment where they show their understanding by explaining these operations, showcasing problem-solving strategies, and articulating their reasoning. I have emphasised the importance of justification when competing work to show their own understanding. I strongly encourage nightly practice of times tables.

In our Writers Workshop, students areĀ  preparing for an upcoming assessment where they will advocate for environmental care through persuasive texts. To support their development, I have had lessons on grammar including capital letters and full stops as in previous writing tasks a significant amount of students have not been using them within their writing.

Furthermore, focusing on mindfulness among our students remains a priority. Peer interaction is encouraged through engaging activities such as games, word searches, and coloring sheets. Witnessing the positive shift towards offline engagement during these moments of mindfulness has been great to see.


Upcoming long weekend on Friday of Week 9 and Monday of Week 10.

I recommend you to continue supporting your child’s learning journey by practicing times tables.

Please let Luke and I know about any camp attendance.

I hope you enjoy the images provided.

Wishing you and your loved ones a restful and joyous Easter break.

Kind regards,

Cassundra Pulizzi

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