5KF, 5KH and 6LF Melbourne Cup Probability

To parents/ caregivers,

Happy Melbourne Cup Day!

Today the three classes joined together to learn about probability.

We had a discussion on event, where students had to decide if it’s certain, likely, unlikely, or impossible.

•A horse will win the race
•A horse with a jockey wearing red will win
•The same horse wins the Melbourne Cup two years in a row
•All horses finish the race at the exact same time
•A grey horse wins the race
•It will rain during the Melbourne Cup
•Every horse finishes the race
•A horse wins by more than five lengths

We began by introducing the 24 horses participating in today’s race, using fractions to represent their chances of winning. Students applied their understanding of probability to select a horse they believed had a high likelihood of winning, as well as one they thought was unlikely to triumph.

This hands-on, interactive activity not only sparked enthusiasm but also provided a fun and engaging way to deepen students’ understanding of probability. We’re excited to watch the race together and see how their predictions unfold!

Have a great week.


Kind regards,


Cassundra and Luke

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